Originally Posted by addictedcountryman
i have read somewhere or seen on the news that there are traces of medication found in tap water from urine so im not completely convinced... and wear two sets of gloves!!!! 
This is a valid concern. We have only begun to study the affects that spent pharmaceuticals and personal care products on our environment. There have been USGS surveys of water, sediments, and fish tissue upstream and downstream from wastewater plants. The results are disturbing. Blake is right, some are measured in micrograms per liter or smaller, but some are found at higher levels. At any level, chronic effects are a concern. Some pollutants found include: antibiotics, Prozac, Viagra, nicotine, caffeine, deet, anti-seizure meds, fragrance compounds (a hormone disruptor to aquatic life), etc.
I guess we'll have lots of happy, hermaphroditic fish that are suddenly not so depressed about their erectile dysfunction.