So this
Plus this
Equals this, so far
The cross is Ctsm. pileatum var. imperiale x Ctsm. Dagny 'Falkor', and it was a chance, collaborative effort. Fred Clarke was hosting our OSOGSL 3rd annual Orchid Seminar. It just so happened I had a blooming female catasetum at the time. Now I've never seen the male blooms of this plant as this is it's first blooming. He asked if I'd bring it to the seminar, and also asked if I had any blooming males. I told him I didn't, but might know someone who does. So I emailed the only other person I know in our group who grows catasetinae, Marilyn LeDoux. When I thinned my collection I gave her some things that were near and dear to me in case I'd ever build my collection back. She just happened to have two blooming Dagny clones I gave her, this one and my awarded one. Since I'd always liked this one better, I opted for it.
The time came and Fred did what he does best, he gave a baby making demonstration with our two plants. Now this cross is one we're just having fun with, nothing serious. But one has to start somewhere. In the future this is something I'd like to do much, much more of with this group. The genetic variation in offspring is so random, color and form between sibs seems to be a crap shoot. The variation in pileatum var. imperiale crosses seems to be even greater than other species within the genus, giving testament to the theory that it may be a natural hybrid between macrocaprum and pileatum. But, I digress...
So wish me luck on this venture! I'll post pics of the male pileatum flowers if I ever get any!