wow, I searched the word dehiscence on Bing.....and the results.......yeeeuch ! Don't ! Who knew that a wound could dehisce, very few would want to know.
Anyway, a couple of photos :
1) Both pods are from a zygonisia cynosure, pollinated on same day. Pods are just over 8 months old.
2) One still looks green, the other has dehisced. They were both green yesterday, so the process is fast. The ribbing around the pod detaches, releasing the seed. I have seen this happen with a cattleya pod, cymbidium and other zygos. A couple of phals too, not all hybrids.
3) Pods are both green. Stems are green. Pod yellowing is one indicator only and not a substitute for vigilance.
4) These will be labeled, bagged and mailed to my propagator in a padded envelope.

Mother plant - a good breeder and very floriferous