So, I pollinated some of my orchids today.
Well today, I was kinda bored and was thinking about pollinating my orchids. I looked at some youtube videos and thought "easy enough" and then I ended up pollinating all of my orchids... Lol. So, I know I probably should have came here before I did it to ask some questions, but yeah. So i ended up pollinating my hawkinsara to itself. My oncidium to itself, and I crossed my two phals. I'm not sure if that is going to work or not, which is why I want to ask, If you pollinate a flower with incompatible pollen is it bad for the plant? I'm thinking That I'm going to check out some orchid flasking service websites. because the whole process of doing it yourself seems like a lot of work. and costly.
---------- Post added at 03:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:56 PM ----------
I think I recall reading somewhere, that you should cut the other flowers off that aren't going to be producing a seed pod, to save the energy for seed production, but does that mean to cut the flowers off individually or to cut the spike off after where the flower producing seeds is?