Originally Posted by The Orchid Boy
Exactly what containers did you use? I was thinking about Tupperwear containers. And you only totally seal the containers after the media has cooled in a sterile place right? I just want everything to go as smoothly as possible. All of the replies have helped. Thanks!
I used whatever wouldn't melt in the microwave!

If you can get a hold of those take-away containers that the guy talks about in the youtube video, they are definitely the easiest. If you can find clear plastic pudding tubs from a homewares or kitchen craft store those will work well and are also pressure cooker safe if you ever want to try that method.
I'd be careful with tupperware. They might say that they're microwave safe, but remember there's a lot of sugar in the medium and sugary liquids get much hotter when heated - it might melt the container. You could also just put your medium in a big pyrex jug, heat that in the microwave and then pour it into your prepared jars/tubs. Leave them in a plastic bag sprayed with bleach until they're cool - just like the video.
Try and get jars/tubs that are completely clear. Even if it's see-through but slightly opaque, with the condensation inside the container after sowing, it's hard to see what's going on if the container is even slightly opaque.