can a normal person grow orchids from seed?
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can a normal person grow orchids from seed?
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Old 09-07-2011, 06:58 PM
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The answer is YES! If you have the drive and the commitment, you can do it. Its not for normal or not so normal to be classified as a grower of orchids from is the heart that tells the brain and the brain tells your muscles, bones, hands and fingers to act on it...and your bank account suffers LOL
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Old 09-07-2011, 08:28 PM
sweetjblue sweetjblue is offline
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Yes the average person can do flasking. Here is a link to the propagation thread that I posted to back in May of this year to somegreat Utube videos showing flasking. I'd given a brief description of each video to give an idea of what each was about.

Flasking Information.

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Old 09-08-2011, 05:52 AM
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dayumm Im not normal so I cant do this
O.C.D. "Orchid Collecting Dysfunction"
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Old 09-08-2011, 10:09 AM
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can a normal person grow orchids from seed? Male

So far there in normal & abnormal posters, I have yet to find a genuine orchid grower who can claim to be 'normal'. It just doesn't work that way. Just look at your collections & wants.....
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Old 09-13-2011, 09:32 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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I've not got in to propagation yet myself, but I saw this posted by someone on facebook and thought it fitting for this thread.

How to grow orchids from seeds – kitchen style « Dokmai Dogma
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Old 09-13-2011, 01:45 PM
iceicebaby iceicebaby is offline
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can a normal person grow orchids from seed? Male

HI I am also eager to dip my fingers into the growing orchid from seeds world. I want to know once you flask it what next. I mean what temperature and light intensity you want for the flasks and for how long.
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Old 12-07-2011, 10:34 PM
quiltingwacko quiltingwacko is offline
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can a normal person grow orchids from seed? Female
Default flasking

Originally Posted by Marty View Post
I believe only abnormal people can do this
Well that certainly explains a lot. I have considered trying it. I knew I was not normal. Carol
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Old 03-08-2013, 01:48 PM
ZiggyoftheNorth ZiggyoftheNorth is offline
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can a normal person grow orchids from seed? Male

I'm new to orchids, but have grown many wild plants with complicated seed dormancies, etc. Trial and error is the best teacher. Sometimes they don't follow the published information...sometimes the seeds are all fertile, and sometimes they are all duds to begin with. I'm trying several native species of orchid this year using a more natural method and soil (Sand & Peat).

Growing orchids as a hobby should be a lot easier than doing it commercially. If you pland a thousand seeds and get five plants as a hobbist great. It is an enjoyable experience and you get a special feeling about plants you grew from seed. If you are doing it commercially though...every seed that does not grow into a sellable plant is less return from your investment of time and money. A hobbist can normally relax a bit more on the effort and still enjoy growing from seed with a lower yield.
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Old 03-08-2013, 06:05 PM
Stray59 Stray59 is offline
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can a normal person grow orchids from seed? Male

Is there really such a thing as a "normal" person who is also and orchid addict? Isn't that sort of an oxymoron? I really don't think they go together, do you?
Confession time - I have chosen to buy my family a cheaper cut of meat, because it meant I could purchase another orc' as I pass the gardening center - I know I have wasted more gas, driving to explore the possibility of an orchid on sale, than I have driving to visit my parents - I am known by first name in most of my local garden centers, big box stores and local markets or at least referred to as "the guy that is always asking about orchids" - I have obsessed over the tiniest spot on my orchid's leaves while my partner walks around with a gaping wound that I slap a band-aid on and tell him to get over it - normal, no not in this home - never really expected it would be though.
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Old 09-12-2023, 06:48 AM
rosebudforglory rosebudforglory is offline
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can a normal person grow orchids from seed? Female
Default Sources for seeding orchids

Don’t know about the normal part but there are a number of articles on the internet (scientifically based and by people who have done this a few times). This first article appeared in American Orchid Society in 2006 I believe by a guy who has done this for around 55 years. It’s suppose to be an easier method than using a hood, and some other protocols. The chances of contamination is high, you have to pay lots of attention to details, you need to be part scientist, part chemist, part microbiologist, part obsessive compulsive and have the patience of Job to wait forever. I would start with phals as they don’t seem to take as long to come into flower nor be in the flask as long. Others may have another opinion and will chip in on the conversation.

Here is an article from AOS on harvesting seed capsules and lengths of time for different ones.

Harvesting Times of Orchid Seed Capsules for the Green Pod Culture Process

There is also the laminar flow hood method and there is an article on building one and why it’s best to use one to be successful. Laminar flow hood construction And lots of other information on orchid seeding etc Orchideenvermehrung Ederer

For orchid seed service: here is someone I ran across, maybe other have used them and can advise — Dr. Bills Orchids —orchid flasking service, does flasking, will be soon doing meristeming, sells seedlings, has culture information, etc information is updated to 2023 offers.

There are plenty of articles on the subject, personally I would look at the more University based or commercial grower based. The internet is full of people who want to bewanabees but their information is not accurate, they have done maybe 2 flasking procedures, etc.. I would suggest sticking with those who have done this for years. Keep in mind getting the seed flasked though crucial — but it’s not the end to getting plants that live to blooming. You have to know about replating, deflasking, potting up in community pots, keeping it warm enough, keeping the humidity up so their roots grow, plants free of fungus and bacteria, they need enough but not over light, etc. There are resources to help you. St Augustine Orchid Society is a good resource and I encourage you to support the group. Many of the top orchid experts, growers, breeders, in the country are members.

Best of luck.. I hope the Orchid Board leaves the links up.

Hopefully the board allows another link

Orchideenvermehrung Ederer

I don’t want to discourage anyone but just be realistic that you may not get anything at all, it will all die in the flask. Growing orchids from seed to a blooming plant is years away from your getting the seed into your hands. And the likely hood that the package of seeds is likely to generate nothing worth keeping in your collection. And certainly nothing worth growing on to sell if that’s where you are headed with this adventure. It takes hundreds of thousands of seeds to grow just a a couple decent plants… sure it will be yours but is it something you will want to show off? Maybe, maybe not. Will you produce a plant that is worthy of spending lots of money being cloned — maybe, maybe not. After going through all the criteria that makes a good plant a highly sought after one — can you make the tough decisions to cull those not worth dealing with? Maybe so, maybe not.

Also you might want to start , unless you have already done this, buying a flask and learning how to deflask, how to do community pots and growing them out to be healthy and strong growin. Getting a deflasked seedling to live in a household or other than a very humid area isn’t easy. This isn’t like buying a small seedling that may already be a year or more old. These can be/are teeny weeny plants that you can consider as newborn babies who need you for everything. If you can get most of those plants to live to be blooming plants, you will have learned the patience and the need for very clean arrangements and work environment. But also I would get a flask of mericlones — Akatsuka sells them, but ask for other sources too. It takes just as much time to grow high quality babies which you know what they will look like and can more easily sell than it is to go through all the hassle of growing seeds of your own in the beginning which you don’t even know if the plants will be of any quality. And remember, orchid seed is dust tiny. Can be 1500-3 million seeds in pod. But after reading all you can, maybe find someone local who has successfully sown/flasked and grown his own seeds to healthy plants even to blooming who can help you and mentor you along.

Best of luck.

Last edited by rosebudforglory; 09-12-2023 at 07:03 AM.. Reason: Just corrected spelling and additional info
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alternitives, cheep, hope, orchids, seed, grow, person, normal

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