Originally Posted by roby
what is the composition of your medium?
I basically use the recipe that you posted earlier in this thread. Slightly modified though because I couldn't find a balanced 20-20-20 fertiliser so just used about a gram of what I had which was a 30-10-10. Also no NAA (I didn't even know what it was, nevermind where to get it!). I added a little home-made banana powder as well. I even had to make the distilled water myself as none of the pharmacies I've been into stock it anymore and you can't get it at the shop. Ireland can be really frustrating that way!
It would be nice if it does work, but I'm expecting a lot of trial and error before I get it right.

Thank you for all your help though - this thread is brilliant!
Camille - thanks for the suggestion! I'm a little worried about the import duties for ordering anything outside of the EU. They have changed the thresholds and I'm not sure what the regulations are anymore so I'll look into it.