Hi Debs
One of the first things I did when I got hit with the orchid bug two years ago was to buy two compots...one is Blc Hawaiian Passion 'Carmela' and the other is Pot Miya's Radiance 'Red Beauty'.
Each had about 20 babies in it so I planted a number of them individually for my MIL and myself. I also put together a large (wide) pot with a bunch of them mixed together, thinking how pretty it would look when they all bloom together...

what a beginner!
Over the past two years, they've all been individually potted and I am only sure of two because they have tags in them

Gosh, what was I thinking?
They are in totally different stages of growth and the sizes run the gamit! A few of them are rather large now and looking great...about 8 inches tall and wide

Others are only about 4 inches and there are still 4 or 5 that are tiny but still look good.
I've attached some pics: the big ones are in 6" pots, the four on one shelf are in 4" pots and the little ones are in 2" pots...all from the same compots!
I'd say put yours into higher lighting, they are Catts, after all. It's really interesting to watch them progress
Keep us updated...and as soon as mine bloom, I'll be posting pics like crazy!!!