Any one using this, especially on Phals?
I bought this in early Spring, $22 for .5 oz. I was planning on using it on only my favorite Phals but one drop per node on only my favorites, hardly seemed worth it when I took a look at all the potential growth from all the bare spikes in my collection. A rough estimate of about 75 spikes and I decided to just apply the Keiki Pro to everything!
Within a few days the spike ends begin swelling and growing. So far, about 80% of the spikes have grown buds and the oldest ones that were closest to blooming....blasted instead. I suspect it's because of the intense heat (intense!!!!!) we're experiencing here in Fla. and all my Phals are on a screened patio.
I first started applying this when the blooms had all fallen from the spikes but that soon changed due to inpatience and it was applied to even those spikes filled with flowers. The instructions state that to induce keiki growth, the KP should be applied on bare spikes after the blooms are spent and to promote more spiking/blooms, apply the KP soon after the initial blooming occurs. So far, I'm noticing no difference in production. They all start out swelling at the tips, the flowered spikes showed nothing until the blooms fell and being that I began applying the KP near the end of the blooming, I'm not sure if this is why the growth has been consistently the same between the bare spikes and the ones still holding blooms.
Though it's noted that spiking can occur with this stuff, my intention was to get keiki growth and not more blooms. About 15 of the spikes treated so far, have begun growing (what I'm hoping will become) keikis and not, spikes....too soon to tell but the nodes are swelling and growth of either keikis or spiking is going on. The spikes with these keikis

all started out the same....with swelling at the tips and the beginnings of what look like potential buds. So far, 3 of the growths from the nodes where Keiki Pro was applied are definitely, keikis. Additionally, one basal keiki which I think was a coincidence and nothing to do with the Keiki Pro, unless the solution dripped down from the spike on to the base of the Phal, don't know? That spike never produced any growth or budding from the KP but I've now got the basal keiki, the only one that seemed unaffected except for the basal keiki????
I would be very interested in hearing from others who have used/are using Keiki Pro or similar and what you've gotten out of it.
Doc, if I'm remembering correctly, don't you use Keiki Gro? which is similar and a paste, right?
P.S. Last year I didn't get one keiki from any of my Phals. I was disappointed. This year, 5 keikis so just separated from the momma plant and all these keikis were produced naturally...not from Keiki Pro.