I have just divided a rather large Lc. Mildred Rives x C. Snow Blind and have a couple of likely looking bits left over and I would like to try to save them.
I have heard of the "give them a soak in fertilizer mix and put them in a plastic bag with some damp spag. moss" method but does anyone know of other tried and tested methods?
Yes, by all means try.. I would first soak them in a rooting hormone - I am having a prob with some of mine at the moment..( moved hse 2 yrs ago) they are not dead but struggling - on 2, I have tried spagh & bag & have now switched to 'tupperware box & sphag' for one & ' water culture' ... the one doing better is growing roots is the one in "water culture"... keep us posted as very interested to know what happens...
What I like to do and works best for me, is to make a cut between the back bulbs and the new growth I want to repot, I do this and let them all stay in the same pot until a new growth or new roots start on the back bulbs,then I can repot both plants ,
I really hate to admit this, but my standard procedure is to take the back bulbs (Catts and Onc mainly), throw them under the bench and forget about them. Once I notice new growths, I pot them up as usual. I am rarely disappointed by having no new growth form. I sure wouldn't try this with plants that have no pseudobulbs though.