Hi Royal
Here are the pics
These are the seedlings from the two flasks
Phal Violacea "Gaston Bleu" x "Blue July 4th" (belongs to a friend who ordered it with me)
and Phal Violacea "Blue Beard" x "Bonnie Blue" (mine).
I will see how they are and decide what to do before returning to Australia. I could not have reflasked these I think as there was too much breakage to roots and leaves, but they will recover soon enough.
This the second which is the one needing reflasking and that I will keep for myself. Phal Violacea "Gaston Bleu" x "Blue July 4th"
This is the fourth flask that arrived 95% intact - this was a gift in the order. There is a little loosening of the media, but not enough to warrant reflasking yet I think. I appreciate any opinions. It is Phal Samera (Violacea "Blue Chip" x Phal. Bellina "Orchidview Blue"). The only issue is that there are sooooooo many seedlings in that flask, that they will need more room before long I think. I cant wait to see what this cross produces - lots of blues please....