Need water and sun/light specifications for cattleyas and other info please
I have recently bought two orchids Cattleya Interglossa and Cattleya Caudebec (I guess they are hybrids?). I need to know lighting specifications needed and water needed. Right now I have them in a south facing window, and have been watering them about every 7 to 8 days. I live in Texas, by the way. Anyway, if there is anyone who could give me any information on these 2 orchids I would appreciate it. Thanks, Darlene, obviously a newbie at this.
Do you live in the humid area of Texas or in the dry area? What media do you use? Are you growing them conventional or S/H?
I grow my cattleyas and related in S/H, using Hydroton as medium and I give them as much light as I can and I water them once a week with 132 ppm N MSU fertilizer. That works for my conditions. what works for me might not work for you, or might need some adjustment.