Flask Sterilization
Hey Hey!
So my Seedpod might be ready any day and i need to make some flasks with medium.
I have some problems with sterlize them. :c
I know you can use a pressure cooker/autoclave to get it to 125 °C or something like that. But i do not really want to spend the money on one and im a lil bit scared of them.
There is the debatable microwave option wich as i read works but doesnt. So i dont think i can make that work with my microwave. x.x
So i catched up a method with steaming it in a wok like chinese buns but i doubt it will reach 125°C in there. And i dont find the source anymore sadly.
A normal waterbath like with jams wont work either probably. :/
I dont really have any fancy chemical fumes to serilize either (just H2O2 12% and Isoprop 90%)
sooooooo im out of ideas what to do really. Is there any method you guys know for low budget and a relatvely high succes rate (low conatmination rate)? :3
Thank youuuu~