Originally Posted by Waterdog111
GH Frog, between you and Dorchid in Colorado, I have gotten my inspiration to try some of this pollination. To try and learn how. I really dont know how fast Ill pick up on it, but you cannt learn by sitting back and dreaming.
Thanks greatly for anything.
Dorchid is one smooth operator—I actually need to get in touch with him, but the messaging feature is bugging out!
WD, make some crosses just to get the feeling of manipulating the pollinia and the flower—for years, I’ve done work that requires very fine motor control in the hands & digits and I found that the pollination in this case was still challenging, especially when a pollinium wasn’t connected to a stipe! Sure, those crosses might not work(like this Onc. X Tolu. cross), but the process of researching in preparation for a cross, collecting and properly storing the pollinia, waiting for a seed parent to bloom, making the cross, and harvesting the capsules at the appropriate time are still necessary parts of the process that people like us have the ability to get good at without needing lab infrastructure. Everything after that can be subbed out to people with the appropriate knowledge, techniques, and equipment until we can develop our own knowledge, techniques, and equipment(or access thereto)—the information has never been more available!