Dorchid, dont you think handleing these new seedlings help a great deal in giving the feel for keeping and succedeing with a greater variety of orchids.
That is the major reason I am intently interested in getting started (involved) in this. When I was keeping aquaria it was very rewarding to breed the fishes I kept.
Yeah, I had the same thought to myself the other day as I tended some cacti I'm growing from seed. My track record with keeping cacti alive is pretty poor but growing them from seed is definitely teaching me some things!
Thank you so much for the updates. This brings back memories how the forums used to be 10 to 15 years ago. really dynamic places with lots of cool stories.
As for your success, congrats!
Would you be kind enough to share your recipe on the media. Do you use close make-up glove box or laminar flow hood?
I tried in the past with straight up P668 + sugar and got very limited sucess and stall. Could it have been the seed decontamination with H2O2 that took too long and killed most embyos? Or excessive soap?
Thats kinda of my biggest doubt since none of the 9 jars looked moldy or wierd. Simply perfect black.