Growing Bletilla striata from seeds
Seem to get a few pods of these every year. 2020 gave us three pods. We have both the standard purple (photo 1) and a white version called ‘innocence’ (photo 2). This year all the pods where on the white flowered plants.
We started on November 15, 2020, with sterilising the jars and medium in the pressure cooker. We used Inaya’s Orchids medium (photo 3). 20 minutes in the pressure cooker and then when, they cooled enough to handle we placed them into some ziplock bags that we sprayed 10% bleach solution in after putting in the jars. Waited about 7 days to see if we got any contamination. None, so far, so good.
Did talk to a friend at the local college about using their laminar flow bench (photo 4). Thanks, Mark.
We shook the seed pods into a small glass container (20ml), and added some hydrogen peroxide (5ml) to it. Man, these seeds are hydrophobic! They almost jumped out of the container, stuck to the sides of the container and didn’t mix with the peroxide at all. Shook them for about 15 minutes and never did they mix with the peroxide. Did managed to get some sucked up in a syringe. Placed about 1ml of peroxide and seeds on the medium of a few jars. Closed the jars and prayed that we got them clean enough.
About fifteen days you could start to see green (photo 5). You can see the seeds tried to crawl up the sides of the jar.