Cheddarbob14 |
04-06-2016 08:32 PM |
Semi hydro noob
Just got my 1st order from Ray today (thx btw, packed very well). I have 2 prime contenders to go 1st, new root growth growing as I type. I plan on following rays tutorial on preparing the LECA exactly. Just looking for any mistakes anyone made in the early goings of SH, that were used to bring success. I'm still pretty young when it comes to orchids in general, but have made big strides over the last year since I've taken it much more seriously as it has become more of a hobby/passion. Current growing/living conditions: live in MI, house year round is always between 68-72 degrees, whole house humidifier was set at just below 50% this winter, all orchids are in SE corner of my house (some w direct sunlight the 1st 2-3 hrs of the day, some just out of direct sunlights reach, great light for all until an hr or 2 before dusk). We do have a room in nw corner of the house that isn't insulated quite as well as rest of house so it's a bit cooler in winter, and a bit warmer in summer, which is good for the orchids that like a bit of a temp change. What are your biggest mistakes, and your best triumphs with SH, especially if your indoor conditions are similar?