My weather Update
Weather Update!
We will be hit by Typhoon Hagupit tomorrow night!!! WE are on the bad side, it should cross Manila and we are about 35 miles north.
I live on the highest ground in Bulacan (like a state) so maybe no flooding!! I have a generator and will have 20 gals of gas. We have 30 days are more of food for us and the dogs.
We have a well with electric pump as well as a well with a hand pump. We have two kerosene lamps (two Gals. of kerosene) and 5 flash lights. I have 6, 5 gal. bottles of drinking water and wish we had more but we can stretch with the dogs drinking well water (lucky we also have two cases of soda and one of Gatorade). And if need be we can boil water. I will have two or better bottles of propane and we don’t use a lot of that!
If we get hit like it looks like we will, we will lose power, telephone, cell and land-line plus all internet so we may be off line days or weeks. We have lots of books to read and WE HAVE A DC FAN, thank you Lord (12v car battery hooked to an electric car radiator fan, runs 22 hour last test) it will recharge when the generator runs!
I plan to run the generator every four hours for one hour for the refrigerator and to recharge our batteries and take a hot shower. (Flash Heater)
So, I think we are set for the storm! If it goes way south then we may only get rain.
Don’t worry about us if we are off line for a few week or what ever.
We should be OK! (Thank You Lord)