FairyInTheFlowers |
07-21-2011 01:19 AM |
My new blog!
YAY! I just did one of the most daunting tasks EVER! I created a blog that will be dedicated to my 'orchid business.' It is Prism Orchids Knowing that one day I will be selling orchids as a part time business, I decided to create this blog so I can list the coming crosses that I plan on making, seeds, flasks, compots and plants for sale that are coming soon, and the same thing for the stuff that I have 'in stock.' Other than listing one cross that I plan on making (which, if it takes, will technically be three, as I plan on using three different pollen on one flower, so the seed, flasks, etc. will be a sort of grab bag that I will be able to identify for you once they bloom), there is nothing much on the blog, but I plan on making a culture sheet relatively soon, so be on the look out! The unfortunate thing is, that being that I am in Canada, the only thing I think I can ship without any documents is seed, and other wise you will need a photosanitary certificate. I guess you could just drive up into Canada, and I could send stuff to where you are staying, and then claim them as houseplants on your way back down (which is actually doable nowadays vice versa!). I plan on eventually trade marking Prism Orchids, and I plan on using it also as a 'trade mark' when it comes to registering greges, something like the Tying Shin's, or I-Hsins.