greenhouseFrog |
08-07-2024 09:47 PM |
Encyclia alata questions
I got my first Encyclias(an E.alata and an E.rioclarense)back in March and have since mounted them. They’ve both attached to their trees and since mounting mid-Spring, the E.rioclarense has a new growth fattening up and what looks like another two on the way, but the E.alata seems considerably slower—the roots have grown way more quickly than its new bulblet and leaf has whereas the new growth on the E.rioclarense went from Sharpie marker to shallot in a matter of two weeks.
Is this just hybrid vigor on the part of the E.rioclarense and the E.alata is doing the best it can? They’re on the same watering and feed schedule(arbitrary 25PPM nitrogen), similar lighting, same kind of tree even…
Any input is appreciated!