Mojca |
03-29-2023 03:06 PM |
Hello from Slovenia!
Hi to everybody :waving
All my plants are poted in a nonorganic mix that I prepare myself. It is composed of pomice, lava rocks, agroperlite and zeolite. I use different grades to make it right for different plants. It works ferfectly fine for me. No need to repot unless the plant becomes too big for its pot. I am experimenting with inorganic peat moss at the moment, mostly for the mounted plants.
I fertilise with various organic foliar fertilisers. I change them depending on the growing phase of a plant.
I use rain water when watering with a hose and reverse osmosis water when watering with a sprayer. I have it also for the humidifier which turns on every morning.
I like botanicals and hybrids as well. In my collection there are mostly plants that like hot, warm or intermediate conditions, but I have some cold Masdevallias, Disias and Cymbidiums as well.
I just love to spend time in my small greenhouse.