Roberta |
09-13-2022 05:52 PM |
The first is an Oncidium-tribe intergeneric hybrid. Sherry Baby is in that group but there are many, many others. Lots look similar, so an exact ID is impossible. Fortunately, all have essentially the same culture - intermediate (to sometime cool) temperatures, bright shade (no direct sun), need to stay damp. Don't repot until you see new growth unless it's an emergency.
C Peregrine is a classic hybrid - that could be a division of a 25 year old plant. And the plant that it was divided from could be older yet. Orchids that get good care can live a long time, grow big and get divided. Just a bit if information about this classic hybrid (originally registered in 1925!) It is C. mossiae x C. percivaliana, the hybrid of two very forgiving and lovely species. So the plant is likely to be very hardy. With that parentage, it will grow outside in frost-free areas (like where I live) - cold tolerant down to about 40 deg F/4-5 deg C. (of course it would prefer warmer) So it can grow in a range of temperatures. Bright light (but protect from direct sun unless you are quite far north, you don't say where you live). Like all Catts, it needs air around the roots. After you water, let dry out a bit (doesn't need or want to be bone dry for very long though)