Keysguy |
06-13-2022 10:10 AM |
It's amazing where mom will stash the babies while they go about their normal routine. Normally they leave them in a very well camoflaged spot but occasionally, not so much, especially if it's the does' first fawn.
Our previous house had a very long gravel driveway that wound up through a lawn to the road. One morning on my way out to work there was a newborn fawn laying in the middle of the driveway with mom nowhere to be found. Coyotes were an issue as we raised sheep and those &^$% things were always around. When I saw the fawn I'm thinking to myself "what are you thinking mom, you cannot leave that little guy right there in the open like that". I donned a pair of gloves so as to leave as little scent as possible and gently moved the little guy about 20 feet into tall grass beside a stone wall.
When I got home from work later that day, mom and junior wre grazing together on my front lawn. They hung around our place until fall that year so I felt I had done my good deed and never again did I see him left alone in the open like that.
I actually like the idea of leaving the fawn by the front door. No predator is going that close to a house and it looks to be a nice sunny spot.