Roberta |
04-19-2022 02:07 PM |
Sarcochilus time
4 Attachment(s)
Small, cold-tolerant Vandaceous genus from Australia. Sarco. hartmannii and Sarco, fitzgeraldii are the foundation of some spectacular hybrids that are being developed in Australia. (Many obtainable in the US from Sunset Valley Orchids) Plants are very floriferous, but alas flowers are fairly short lived, dropping while still looking perfect, in 10 days to 2 weeks or so.
Both of these species have a lot of variation, so the breeders can pick and choose for various results. Sarco. hartmannii has varying amounts of red at the base of the segments. Sarco. fitzgeraldii has a wider range of color, both in terms of the amount of the orange-red at the base of the segments, and color ranging from white to nearly all pink.
Sarco. Fitzhart is an old hybrid of Sarco hartmannii and Sarco. fitzgeraldii - with similar range of color forms depending on which cultivars are chosen as parents. This one looks a lot like Sarco. hartmannii - with the extra color coming from the Sarco fitzgeraldii , one of the white forms.
Sarco. Kulnura Symphony is a complex modern hybrid (not that many species involved, but lots of line breeding), with intense rose-red segments and lots of flowers.