cluelessmidwesterner |
04-14-2019 06:47 PM |
Scale - Oh my!
I went to my first orchid society meeting this afternoon. They had some left over plants from their booth from the flower show there. They were selling them at a knock down price of $10 each. I steered away from the Miltoniopsis since as a beginner I'd kill on of those babies in a heartbeat and looked at the Oncidium Inter-generics. Finally I broke down and purchased a Odcdm. Wild Willie 'Pacific bingo'. Yes all the flowers were in bloom, plus it has decided to literally climb out of its pot and the leaves a bit worse for wear but for the price I thought I'd give it a go.
On the drive home with the sun light hitting the leaves I noticed it had scale. Wiped the leaf whilst sitting at a light and squashed the little free-loader. I had hoped it was dead but it very much alive since it caused wet spot between my finger. So as soon as I hit my back porch it got soaked with Garden Safe Fungicide 3 (because I don't need free-loading tiny livestock in the house).
My question is can I use Bonide Systemic house plant insect control on Oncidiums? The spray get those where the spray can reach but if there is some in the pot or hiding in a cranny I cannot treat I would rather get them early on before I have them marching through all the plants in the house like Sherman's army.