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nikkik 01-17-2015 11:35 AM

Orchid loss devastating....
I just wanted to share my devastation with people that will understand my loss. Yesterday, was my husband's holiday work party, so my parents watched our kids. I grow in my solarium that is located off of our kitchen. We have dogs and to let them outside, we have to go through the solarium, the door to our yard is located off of the solarium. My dad let the dogs out last night and the pilot must of went out on the heater (the door that connects our kitchen to our solarium normally stays shut at night, in the winter). We had no idea the pilot was out, since we didn't go into the solarium because we got home pretty late.

This morning when I went to let the dogs out, it was frigid. I looked at my thermometers and they all read 20°F. We quickly brought the most valuable and hard to replace plants in while we raised the temperature in the solarium.

At this point, I am waiting to see how many plants I have lost. I can already see some cold damage on some. As many of my previous post state, warm going vandas are my vice, so I fear that my collection is going to seriously shrink as I wait for the damage to show. I have many plants that took me a good amount of time to find, so if the amount of plants lost is substantial this may be the end of the hobby for me.

This will be the second time I lost a collection. The first was when I moved back to Michigan from North Carolina and nearly lost all of my plants to a bacterial infection. I just can't justify starting a collection over for a third time with all the time and money that goes into having a collection. I am expecting a third child, so I know that I won't have the time or funds to replace the 100+ plants in my solarium.

I appreciate the opportunity to vent to other "orchid people". Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Paul 01-17-2015 02:41 PM

Sorry to hear about this, Nikki. :(

Wouldn't lose all hope as of yet. Orchids are amazingly resilient ... often more so than we realize. Your plants which may be at biggest risk are any that are potted. If the media was wet during the Big Chill, they may be more prone to root loss and rot. May be wise to unpot any potted ones and check the roots.

Still wouldn't let it stop you from enjoying the hobby. If worse comes to worse with regards to loss, aim at a slow rebuild. In many ways not as satisfying as the "instant fix", but -- on the other side of the coin -- you wind up really appreciating what you do have and any new additions because new ones become few and far between.

On a prevention note, I've known several folks who have suffered similar mishaps. Several then installed an inexpensive alarm to sound off when temps go below a certain threshold. Couple installed backup heaters as well that kick on under those circumstances.

nikkik 01-17-2015 02:51 PM

Paul, thank you so much for the advice and encouragement. I will look into the alarm as you suggested. I did not know that such a thing existed, thank you again!

Orchid Whisperer 01-17-2015 02:51 PM

So sorry! A friend from Maine lost plants due to a furnace failing a few years ago, midwinter. She lost some, but some survived too.

nikkik 01-17-2015 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Orchid Whisperer (Post 727538)
So sorry! A friend from Maine lost plants due to a furnace failing a few years ago, midwinter. She list some, but some survived too.

Thank you so much for your kindness and encouragement! I have my fingers crossed that my older, hard to find plants pull through.

LovePhals 01-17-2015 02:59 PM

Good luck and I'm so sorry that happened. I hope your hard to find Vandas are OK! Let us know how they turn out.

bethmarie 01-17-2015 03:46 PM

oh, Nikki--I'm so sorry. that's crushing. I hope the damage turns out to be minimal. I'll be thinking of you and waiting too, to hear how it turns out.

ddivey36 01-17-2015 03:46 PM

So sorry to hear about your misfortune, I will keep positive thoughts for you in that your collection will not be as severely affected.

AnonYMouse 01-17-2015 04:33 PM

Fingers crossed!

AussieVanda 01-17-2015 04:44 PM

Hey Nik, well firstly let me congratulate you on number 3! That's awesome news. When are you due? Boy/girl or keeping it a surprise?

As for your orchids, they can be more resilient than people give them credit for. Fingers crossed! !!

SimJam 01-17-2015 04:52 PM

so sorry to hear.

sending some warmth from Jamaica

MattWoelfsen 01-17-2015 05:01 PM

Orchid loss devastating....
Ouch! I feel devastated when one of my plants die, can't imagine an entire collection. Nikkik, I think you have a couple Neofinetia? Those are hardy, and might survive. I have an extra Amami Island that I would be happy to send your way as consolation.

Leafmite 01-17-2015 05:29 PM

I am so sorry to hear what has happened. If it was just for a few hours, the plants might be fine. Some may have no damage at all and some might just have a little. The important thing was that there was no cold wind/breeze and it does take time for a room to cool down. Good luck! I hope you get luckier than you think!

WhiteRabbit 01-17-2015 07:47 PM

Dang - that's awful. I hope many surprise you by pulling through!

My Green Pets 01-17-2015 07:55 PM

I can't believe that you will lose them all. Lots will make it, just wait and see.

DeaC 01-17-2015 08:00 PM

From a Kelly Clarkson song...what doesn't kill you makes you stronger! Nature has her ways of coping with unusual circumstances and bet you'll be surprised with the comebacks!

silken 01-17-2015 08:04 PM

So sorry to hear this. My thought was as Leafmite said, if it was just a few hours and no harsh winds blowing then some may survive better than you expect. The temps would have slowly been dropping so I hope its not as bad as you fear.

nikkik 01-17-2015 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by LovePhals (Post 727544)
Good luck and I'm so sorry that happened. I hope your hard to find Vandas are OK! Let us know how they turn out.

Thank you, I will definitely update. A few of my older vandas have already shown leaf damage. I will know in a few days how severe it is.

---------- Post added at 09:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:47 PM ----------


Originally Posted by bethmarie (Post 727548)
oh, Nikki--I'm so sorry. that's crushing. I hope the damage turns out to be minimal. I'll be thinking of you and waiting too, to hear how it turns out.

Thank you so much, Beth!

---------- Post added at 09:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:05 PM ----------


Originally Posted by ddivey36 (Post 727549)
So sorry to hear about your misfortune, I will keep positive thoughts for you in that your collection will not be as severely affected.

Thank you, I appreciate your positive thoughts!

---------- Post added at 09:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:06 PM ----------


Originally Posted by AnonYMouse (Post 727558)
Fingers crossed!

Many thanks!!!

---------- Post added at 09:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:07 PM ----------


Originally Posted by AussieVanda (Post 727561)
Hey Nik, well firstly let me congratulate you on number 3! That's awesome news. When are you due? Boy/girl or keeping it a surprise?

As for your orchids, they can be more resilient than people give them credit for. Fingers crossed! !!

Thank you so much, James! I am due June 28th. We find out the gender on January 27th.

My fear is for my warmest growing plants, which of course were some of my favorites. My fingers are crossed too!

---------- Post added at 09:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:11 PM ----------


Originally Posted by SimJam (Post 727564)
so sorry to hear.

sending some warmth from Jamaica

Thank you!

---------- Post added at 09:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 PM ----------


Originally Posted by MattWoelfsen (Post 727567)
Ouch! I feel devastated when one of my plants die, can't imagine an entire collection. Nikkik, I think you have a couple Neofinetia? Those are hardy, and might survive. I have an extra Amami Island that I would be happy to send your way as consolation.

Matt, thank you so much for the generous offer, it is more than kind. My neos are actually not kept with the rest of my orchids, I keep them on my windowsills because of their beautiful foliage, so I guess I was wrong when I said my entire collection. I also have some vanda seedlings and miniatures that I keep inside my home.

Again, thank you for your kindness! The fact that you would offer a plant to me is consolation enough.

NYCorchidman 01-17-2015 09:19 PM

Sorry about the accident.
I would be very upset.

Give some time and see what survive.
You might find joy in seeing them coming back to life and thrive again for you.

Also, you don't have to replace the whole thing overnight.
Buy one here and one there. Plus since you're having a child again, have less plants might work better for now and slowly work up. ;)

I wish you a healthy baby! :)

nikkik 01-17-2015 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Leafmite (Post 727573)
I am so sorry to hear what has happened. If it was just for a few hours, the plants might be fine. Some may have no damage at all and some might just have a little. The important thing was that there was no cold wind/breeze and it does take time for a room to cool down. Good luck! I hope you get luckier than you think!

Thank you, Leafmite! I'm crossing my fingers that the damage is minimal. Unfortunately, my solarium has no insulation, so as soon as the heater goes out the temperatures drop pretty quickly. We estimate that there was no heat for about 10 hours. My dogs refuse to go out past a certain time in the winter because of the temps, so I calculated from the last time they went out (according to my dad) to when I let them out this morning; I know spoiled pups!

---------- Post added at 09:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:27 PM ----------


Originally Posted by WhiteRabbit (Post 727604)
Dang - that's awful. I hope many surprise you by pulling through!

Thank you, Sonya!

---------- Post added at 09:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:28 PM ----------


Originally Posted by CambriaWhat (Post 727607)
I can't believe that you will lose them all. Lots will make it, just wait and see.

Thank you for the positive words! I will definitely update once I know the damage.

---------- Post added at 09:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:29 PM ----------


Originally Posted by DeaC (Post 727608)
From a Kelly Clarkson song...what doesn't kill you makes you stronger! Nature has her ways of coping with unusual circumstances and bet you'll be surprised with the comebacks!

Your post made me smile, thank you for that and your encouraging words!

---------- Post added at 09:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:30 PM ----------


Originally Posted by silken (Post 727609)
So sorry to hear this. My thought was as Leafmite said, if it was just a few hours and no harsh winds blowing then some may survive better than you expect. The temps would have slowly been dropping so I hope its not as bad as you fear.

Thank you, Silken! I hope that you and Leafmite are both correct! Unfortunately, temps drop as soon as the heater goes off in my solarium, there's no harsh wind, but I do have fans going for circulation.

---------- Post added at 09:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 PM ----------


Originally Posted by NYCorchidman (Post 727668)
Sorry about the accident.
I would be very upset.

Give some time and see what survive.
You might find joy in seeing them coming back to life and thrive again for you.

Also, you don't have to replace the whole thing overnight.
Buy one here and one there. Plus since you're having a child again, have less plants might work better for now and slowly work up. ;)

I wish you a healthy baby! :)

Thank you for all of your kind words and logical advice, it means a lot!

Also, thank you for wishing us a healthy baby! My husband and I used to talk about what gender we wished for with our first two (two daughters), this time around everyone assumes we want a boy, but we both have said we just hope for healthy, since we can see the benefits of either having a son or daughter.

NYCorchidman 01-17-2015 09:54 PM

Good approach to life! ;)
All the best! :)

vjo 01-18-2015 09:20 AM

I am going to bet on your plants! I think MOST will be fine, keeping my fingers crossed tho....Jean

LovePhals 01-18-2015 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by MattWoelfsen (Post 727567)
Ouch! I feel devastated when one of my plants die, can't imagine an entire collection. Nikkik, I think you have a couple Neofinetia? Those are hardy, and might survive. I have an extra Amami Island that I would be happy to send your way as consolation.

Oh- I can send one too. I have an extra Vanda denisoniana I can give to you if you like that one to make up for any Vanda loss! :) Let me know and I could send it to you when the weather warms here!

nikkik 01-18-2015 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by vjo (Post 727745)
I am going to bet on your plants! I think MOST will be fine, keeping my fingers crossed tho....Jean

Thank you for your positive thoughts, Jean!

Here's the update this morning: Some of my plants did not make it. So far, 8 are definite goners. I have several vandas that have a lot of leaf damage/loss, but I am holding out hope for them. My Phalaenopsis gigantea has a significant amount of cold damage on the main plant, but the good news is that it has several keikis that look good, so far (fingers crossed). All my sophronitis died. My constantia orchids have damage, but again, fingers crossed. I did lose two color forms of Vanda tessellata.

It seems that the plants on the south side of the room faired much better, as those plants don't seem to have much damage. My three Vandopsis, which I was really worried about seem ok, so far. My adult V. gigantea has some cold spotting, but I don't see anything major.

I will update again, soon.

---------- Post added at 11:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:04 AM ----------


Originally Posted by LovePhals (Post 727747)
Oh- I can send one too. I have an extra Vanda denisoniana I can give to you if you like that one to make up for any Vanda loss! :) Let me know and I could send it to you when the weather warms here!

Thank you so much!!! That is very thoughtful! I can't begin to express how much I appreciate your kindness! I believe my denisoniana is going to pull through. It's keiki didn't fair well, but so far the rest of the plant looks good.

MamaLiberty 01-18-2015 11:55 AM

Good luck!
So sorry to hear of your problems! I'd think insulating the solarium would be a good idea, along with the alarm.

I moved my small collection of orchid "mutts" from So. Calif. to South Dakota ten years ago. We arrived very late and only unpacked what we'd need for breakfast. I was quite ill just then, and simply forgot that the orchids were all in the car!! It got down nearly to zero that night, and in the morning I was devastated to find my plants out there.

Don't even remember what all I had then, actually didn't know the names of most of them anyway... but only completely lost two of the smallest ones. Had quite a bit of leaf damage to the others, and it took them a long time to recover, but they are healthy and mostly blooming now.

Be patient, and careful about just tossing things that seem too damaged... these pesky, persnickity, spoiled brat plants turn out to be incredibly persistent when all is said and done. :)

nikkik 01-18-2015 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by MamaLiberty (Post 727797)
So sorry to hear of your problems! I'd think insulating the solarium would be a good idea, along with the alarm.

I moved my small collection of orchid "mutts" from So. Calif. to South Dakota ten years ago. We arrived very late and only unpacked what we'd need for breakfast. I was quite ill just then, and simply forgot that the orchids were all in the car!! It got down nearly to zero that night, and in the morning I was devastated to find my plants out there.

Don't even remember what all I had then, actually didn't know the names of most of them anyway... but only completely lost two of the smallest ones. Had quite a bit of leaf damage to the others, and it took them a long time to recover, but they are healthy and mostly blooming now.

Be patient, and careful about just tossing things that seem too damaged... these pesky, persnickity, spoiled brat plants turn out to be incredibly persistent when all is said and done. :)

Thank you for your kind words. I am sorry to hear that you lost a few but happy that most of your collection pulled through. The plants that I have tossed are definitely dead. And we are in the process of looking for an alarm.

As for the insulation, there is nothing to insulate because the entire room with the exception of the side the attaches to the house is made out of glass, even the ceiling. I wish we could insulate it; it would save us a ton on heating costs!!!!!:biggrin:

MamaLiberty 01-18-2015 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by nikkik (Post 727804)
As for the insulation, there is nothing to insulate because the entire room with the exception of the side the attaches to the house is made out of glass, even the ceiling. I wish we could insulate it; it would save us a ton on heating costs!!!!!:biggrin:

Oh, that's too bad! And I hear you on the heating costs. I could tolerate a lower temperature in the whole house if it were not for all the plants. I have 45 houseplants - from ferns to citrus dwarfs - besides the orchids, and I swear they are all that stands between me and insanity over the long winter. Well, the plants and my corgi, of course. He drives me nuts during mud season. :rofl:

So, I pay the bills and don't worry about it. I'm sure the electric is cheaper than psychiatric care! :biggrin:

[Edit... can't spell today either. :) ]

No-Pro-mwa 01-18-2015 12:56 PM

Oh, I am so sorry about your collection. I will pray that most of them will survive. Unfortunate some are already gone. Don't give up so soon :evil: don't get mad get even, I mean get even better ones :waving

Congratulations on the new baby. I grew up with 3 sisters, no brothers. It can be done :shock:

MamaLiberty the mud season is bad with the low slung dogs. I also know this as I have a basset and she's my 4th one. My longer legged dogs are much better as they don't throw it so much on to there bellies. But we love them anyway :biggrin: At least mine have shorter hair, the Corgi must be even worse.

wintergirl 01-18-2015 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by No-Pro-mwa (Post 727811)
Don't give up so soon :evil: don't get mad get even, I mean get even better ones :waving

Lol I like that!

nikkik 01-18-2015 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by No-Pro-mwa (Post 727811)
Oh, I am so sorry about your collection. I will pray that most of them will survive. Unfortunate some are already gone. Don't give up so soon :evil: don't get mad get even, I mean get even better ones :waving

Congratulations on the new baby. I grew up with 3 sisters, no brothers. It can be done :shock:

Thank you so much for your kind words, Shannon! I also appreciate that you made me laugh out loud when you said I should get even better ones!

Thank you for the congratulations on our baby! I would be happy with 3 girls or two girls and a boy, but even if I wasn't I'd have to learn to be because there are not returns in that department of life! :biggrin:

gngrhill 01-19-2015 12:43 AM

Never give up. some will survive and you can add one at a time. Install an alarm, back up heater, whatever to prevent it from happening again. Chin up and celebrate the survivers !

nikkik 01-19-2015 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by gngrhill (Post 727974)
Never give up. some will survive and you can add one at a time. Install an alarm, back up heater, whatever to prevent it from happening again. Chin up and celebrate the survivers !

Thank you for your words of encouragement!

Paul 01-19-2015 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by nikkik (Post 727778)
All my sophronitis died.

Now THAT surprises me. Many of the Sophs are cool to intermediate growers ... not unlike many of the more spectacular masdies. (In their native habitats, many experience temps below 32F.) I would have expected at least some of them to have survived this ordeal.


Originally Posted by nikkik (Post 727804)
As for the insulation, there is nothing to insulate because the entire room with the exception of the side the attaches to the house is made out of glass, even the ceiling. I wish we could insulate it; it would save us a ton on heating costs!!!!!:biggrin:

Hmm, perhaps double or triple paned glass?

ula 01-19-2015 03:22 PM

I'm sorry for your misfortune, but congrats on your growing Family! I guess life is bittersweet at times...Please don't give up, it's a wonderful hobby (on the bright side: you'll have some space freed up for new acquisitions ;)).

nikkik 01-19-2015 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Paul (Post 728044)
Now THAT surprises me. Many of the Sophs are cool to intermediate growers ... not unlike many of the more spectacular masdies. (In their native habitats, many experience temps below 32F.) I would have expected at least some of them to have survived this ordeal.

It surprised me too! The only thing I can guess is because of the media and the fact that they were just watered they froze?

Hmm, perhaps double or triple paned glass?

For the cost of windows, I would rather build a greenhouse that better suited my growing needs.

---------- Post added at 05:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 PM ----------


Originally Posted by ula (Post 728079)
I'm sorry for your misfortune, but congrats on your growing Family! I guess life is bittersweet at times...Please don't give up, it's a wonderful hobby (on the bright side: you'll have some space freed up for new acquisitions ;)).

Thank you for your kind words of encouragement and for the congrats!

Bud 01-19-2015 05:28 PM

Your Vandas will survive....since warm air tends to rise up= the hanging ones get the best heat. The walls also retain thermal heat especially brick to radiate towards the plants.
20 degrees is scary for any plant they turn to sludge overnight outdoors and since it was in an enclosed environment the damage might be minimal.
Spray the damaged leaves to avoid bacterial or fungi infestation.
I am happy to hear you have a new baby coming!

nikkik 01-20-2015 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by Bud (Post 728102)
Your Vandas will survive....since warm air tends to rise up= the hanging ones get the best heat. The walls also retain thermal heat especially brick to radiate towards the plants.
20 degrees is scary for any plant they turn to sludge overnight outdoors and since it was in an enclosed environment the damage might be minimal.
Spray the damaged leaves to avoid bacterial or fungi infestation.
I am happy to hear you have a new baby coming!

Thank you for your kind, logical words about my orchids and your expression of happiness over the baby, Bud! I didn't think about the fact that most of my vandas hang higher and heat rises! I will definitely spray the damaged leaves.

Paul 01-20-2015 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by nikkik (Post 728094)
The only thing I can guess is because of the media and the fact that they were just watered they froze?

That is a very real possibility.

nikkik 01-23-2015 04:42 PM

Here's the update. Thankfully most of you were right and most of my plants look like they are going to pull through. I've lost a total of 10 plants and 5 are questionable. The plants that I was most nervous about appear to be fine. Depending on their position in the solarium some of my plants are now a little more leafless/damaged than I prefer but I am sure with a lot of time they will be back to their former glory.

We are going to be installing alarm to prevent this from happening in the future. This was definitely a learning experience for us.

I also want to thank all of you for your encouraging words and rational thoughts at a time when I was very upset. Reading your responses really helped to make a bad situation much better. Thank you all!!!!

nenella 01-23-2015 05:43 PM

Wonderful news!, would love to see/read about the system you set up - for future reference.. Thanks in advance

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