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Kuzuri 05-03-2014 02:45 PM

Your Orchid list/collection?
I'm kinda curious as to what orchids you all have, and even though you can sometimes see a user's collection in their profile, I thought it'd be fun to make a thread where everyone can post their lists. :) I'll go first:

6 Phal/Dtps hybrids that I bought from a grocery store and therefore don't know the specifications of.
Dtps Anna Larati Soekardi
Dtps Tzu Chiang Sapphire
Dendrobium Glomeratum/Sulawesiense
Dendrobium Cretaceum x Anosmum
Calanthe Ceciliae Triplicata x Masuca Hybrid
Burrageara Nelly Isler
Brassolaelia Morning Glory
Brassolaeliocattleya King of Taiwan Da Shin
Laeliocattleya Cariad's Mini Quinnee "Angel Kiss"
Odontoglossum Trilobum x Odontocidium Tiger Glow
Acacalis Cyanea x Zygopetalum Helen Ku
Otonsis Rhein Blue Baby

I'm still waiting for the Blue Baby and Calanthe Ceciliae Triplicata x Masuca hybrid to arrive, but I should be getting those on Wednesday. :)

Gage 05-03-2014 06:56 PM

Cattleya Alliance:
Bc. Kosh Wallis
Blc. Mem Anna Balmores 'Convex'
B. nodosa 'Adorabil Too'
B. nodosa 'Gale'
B. nodosa 'Mas Mujer'
C. Chocolate Drop 'Kodama'
C. Love Castle
Ctt. White Bridal 'Yuki'
E. bractescens
E. ceratistes 'Dr. Pepper'
E. cordigera
E. phoenicea
E. profusa
E. steinbachiana
E. tampensis
E. tampensis alba
Epi. Joseph Romans x Enc. cordigera
Epi. radicans
Eplc. Butterfly Kisses 'Mendenhall' AM/AOS
Guarianthe aurantiaca 'orange spots' x self
Grt. Why Not
Lc. Blazing Treat
Lc. Gaskell-Pumilla 'Azure Star' HCC/AOS
Lc. Secret Love 'Angel'
Lc. Tutankhamen 'Pop'
Pot. Ah Chung Yo Yo 'Little Goldfish'
Procycleya Little Nuggets 'Mendenhall' AM/AOS
Rth. Elaine Taylor 'Krull Smith' FCC/AOS

Den. lindleyi
Den aphyllum
Den. NOID purple
Den. NOID pink
Den. NOID pink

Oncidium Alliance:
Burr. Nelly Isler 'Swiss Beauty'
Chelyorchis ampliata
Gotokoa Masterpiece 'Nalo'
Leomesezia Lava Burst
Oncidesa Sweet Sugar 'Million Dollar'
Oncidesa Sweet Sugar
Onc. Sharry Baby 'Sweet Fragrance'
Onc. sphacelatum
Onc. Twinkle 'Chian Tzy Delight'

Phal. NOID yellow
Phal. NOID sunset mini
Phal. I-hsin Kiwi
Phal. Jiaho's Pink Girl

Vanda Alliance:
Ascda. Crownfox Mystique
Vanda garayii x2
Ascda. Rumrill
Vanda TMA Red
Vanda tricolor

Bribri 05-05-2014 09:12 PM

4 Attachment(s)
I have a bunch of NOIDS but here is my list:

Phal x 6 (I have them in white, light pink, light yellow with a deep pink and 'fuzzy' lip. The others I'm not sure about since they are rescues and haven't bloomed)

Attachment 98803
yellow and pink lipped Phal- No id

Onc x 5 ( One plant I had chopped up into 3 smaller versions and 3 back bulbs, thankfully all of them have new growths except one back bulb. Its a pretty deep raspberry color so I was hoping my newbi-ness didn't kill it; Rex Van Delden Pink Bees, Banfieldara Gilded Tower 'Thai Gold'; Heaven Scent Redolence; Dorothy Wisnom 'Golden Gate'- a guess)

Attachment 98802
The Noid raspberry color onc- pre chop up a couple years ago

Attachment 98804
No id but I'm thinking its the Dorothy Wisnom 'golden gate'

Attachment 98805
Heaven Scent Redolence - smells wonderful like cadbury eggs

Paph x 1 (Hung Sheng Sea X Hung Sheng Red Apple)

Den x 1 (Little Green Apples)

Cymbidium x 1 (Yellow in color)

RandomGemini 05-06-2014 12:39 AM

Let's see if I can do this off the top of my head:

Banfieldara Gilded Tower 'Mystic Maze'
Bulbophyllum Carunculatum var. Sulawesi
Brassovola nodosa
Cattleya Walkeriana var. semi-alba
Coelogyne usitana
Noid dendrobium hybrid
Dendrobium micro chip
Dracula Lotax
Masdevallia veitchiana
Neofinetia falcata 'hisui'
Oncidium Sharry Baby
Oncidium Sweet Sugar
Oncidium Rosy Sunset 'Pacific Satin'
Oncidium Twinkle
Phalaenopsis Yushan Little Amar
Phalaenopsis Bellina var. coerulea
Phalaenopsis Lioulin Orange
Phalaenopsis Sogo Yukidian v3
6 noid mini phals and two other noid regular sized phals.
Paph. Hsinying Alien
Paph. Kiwi Charm

I think that's it... Maybe.

Kuzuri 05-06-2014 04:34 AM

I just ordered a Phal Gigantea x Bellina, a Phal Bellina, a Laelia Dayana Var. Coerulea and a Cattleya Maxima. Can't wait for them to arrive. :D

Leafmite 05-06-2014 10:30 AM

What a great group of orchids!
I had to update the list. :)

Angraecums and family 7
1) Aerangis hylaoids
2) Angraecum didieri
3) Angraecum leonis
4) Angaecum magdalenae
5) Amesiella monticola
6) Angraecum elephantinum
7) Angraecum distichum

Cattleya family 15
1) C aclandiae
2) Laelia purpurata var. Werkhauserii 'Blue Sky'
3) Blc Lady's Favorite 'Morning Mist' BM/JPG
4) Laelia ancepts
5) Brassavola Little Stars “Yasuji Takaeki'
6) Brassavola nodosa
7) Sophronitis cernua
8) Slc Anne Komine 'Breathless' AM/AOS
9) Cattleya Snow Blind 'Kenny' FCC/AOS
10) Pot Burana Beauty 'Burana' HCC/AOS
11) Cattleya mossiae ('Blanca' x 'Aurora')
12) Leptotes bicolor
13) Cattleya walkeriana
14) Cattleya gaskeliana
15) Encyclia radiata

Dendrobiums 3
1) Dendrobium kingianum 'Sanburg Stripe x Sparkle Beauty'
2) Dendrobium oligophyllum
3) Dendrobium aggregatum

Neofinetia falcata 5
1) Awa Har Beni
2) Mameba Nishiki
3) Amami island or Fu Ran
4) Sedirea japonica
5) Neostylis Lou Sneary 'Blue Bird'

Oncidiums 10
1) psychopsis Mendenhall 'Hildos'
2) Burrageara Nelly Isler 'Swiss Beauty'
3) Onc Twinkle 'Fantasy'
4) Onc. (onc. ornithorhynchum x onc cheiroporum)
5) Oncidium cheiroporum
6) Zygo Blue Blazes x (mackayi x Blue Blazes) Blue Blazes = (Blue Banks x Kiwi Geyser)
7) Zygopabstia kiwi (Elfin Jade x crinitum)
8) Zygopetalum mackayi
9) Rodriguezia venusta
10) Maxillaria tenuifolia

Phalaenopsis 6
1) Phalaenopsis equestris
2) Phalaenopsis amabilis
3) Phalaenopsis stuartiana
4) Phalaenopsis schilleriana dark
5) Phalaenopsis schilleriana v. purpurea
6) Phalaenopsis belliana

Pleione 4
1) Pleione confusa 'Golden Gate' HCC/AOS
2) Pleione buboecodiodes
3) Pleione formosanum
4) Pleione yunnanense

Odds and Ends 13
1) Haraella rectrocalla x sib
2) Tuberlabium woodii
3) Vanilla planfolia 'Baker's Secret'
4) Vanilla planfolia variegated
5) Bulbophyllum ambrosia
6) Cyncnodes Wine Delight 'Jem' FCC/AOS
7) Dyakia hendersoniana
8) Anguloa clowesii
9) Aerides odorata
10) Rhynchstylis gigantea (red)
11) Schoenorchis fragrans
12) Sievekingia fimbriata
13) Ludsia discolor 'jewel orchid'
14) Ascocentrum pumilum
+ a few noids and doubles

LovePhals 05-06-2014 06:31 PM

Nice lists everyone. It's fun to look up the ones you don't know to see if you want to add it to yours!

Here is a list of my plants
Dendrobium 'Bohemian Rhapsody' (Loddigesii x Aphyllum)
Dendrobium 'Salaya Candy'
Dendrobium Capituliflorum
Dendrobium 'Micro Chip'
Dendrobium Purple 'NoID'
Bulbophyllum 'NoID'
Vanda Luzonica
Vanda Manuvadee x Gordon Dillon
Vanda Robert's Delight 'Black'
Vanda Hybrid 'Noid' Red
Oncidium 'Sweet Sugar'
Miltassia Estrelita 'Sweet Señorita'
Degarmoara Winter Wonderland 'White Fairy'
Miltoniopsis Steve Sokien 'Poetry in Pink' AM/AOS
Miltoniopsis 'Morris Chestnut'
Epicattleya Rene Marques 'Tyler'
Eplc Butterly Kisses "Mendenhall" AM/AD/AOS
Phal 'Long Pride Amy'
Phal I-Hsin 'Sesame'
Phal 'Fuller's Sunset'
Phal 'Sogo Vivien'
Dps. Dyah Redita 'Hawaii'
Phal White 'NoID'
Phal Pink Stripe 'NoID'
Phal Unbloomed NoID
Paph Jolly Holiday
Psychopsis Papilio

Leafmite 05-06-2014 08:14 PM

I think it is fun to see what we have in common! :)

RandomGemini 05-06-2014 08:28 PM

The problem I'm having is that I see plants I have on my wish lists on other people's lists, so I want to pick their brains about their plants and I feel like that would be thread hijacking, so I'm not doing it. LOL!

Fun thread!

Kuzuri 05-07-2014 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by RandomGemini (Post 676917)
The problem I'm having is that I see plants I have on my wish lists on other people's lists, so I want to pick their brains about their plants and I feel like that would be thread hijacking, so I'm not doing it. LOL!

Fun thread!

Ask away - I think people would still be able to post their lists even if you ask and people reply, so I'm fine with it as OP. :)

LovePhals 05-27-2014 01:11 PM


Skycat 05-27-2014 01:20 PM

I only have...

- 8 NOID Phals (or 9, depending on whether or not my sister wants hers back next time she comes over)

- 1 Dendrobium nobile

RandomGemini 05-27-2014 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Leafmite (Post 676808)
What a great group of orchids!

My list is due to change as I am sorting through it and getting rid of a few as well as buying new ones. It isn't really complete as I have a few extra vanillas whose identities are now unknown (tags are gone) and I also have doubles and variations which I never bother to list. But, here is what I have right now (except for those two Cattleyas that are definitely finding new homes):

Angraecum Family 7

1) Aerangis hylaoids

2) Angraecum didieri

3) Angraecum leonis

4) Angaecum magdalenae

5) Amesiella monticola

6) Angraecum elephantinum

7) Angraecum distichum

Cattleya Family 16

1) C aclandiae

2) C. Lochinvar 'Black Knight'

3) Laelia purpurata var. Werkhauserii 'Blue Sky'

4) Blc Lady's Favorite 'Morning Mist' BM/JPG

5) Laelia ancepts

6) Brassavola Little Stars “Yasuji Takaeki'

7) Brassavola nodosa

8) Lc. Hsinying Skies 'Ching Hua'

9) Sophronitis cernua

10) Slc Anne Komine 'Breathless' AM/AOS

11) Cattleya Snow Blind 'Kenny' FCC/AOS

12) Pot Burana Beauty 'Burana' HCC/AOS

13) Cattleya mossiae ('Blanca' x 'Aurora')

14) Leptotes bicolor

15) Cattleya walkeriana

16) Cattleya gaskeliana

Dendrobiums 3

1) Dendrobium aggregatum

2) Dendrobium kingianum 'Sanburg Stripe x Sparkle Beauty'

3) Dendrobium oligophyllum

Neofinetia falcata 5

1) Awa Har Beni

2) Mameba Nishiki

3) Amami island or Fu Ran

4) Sedirea japonica (I know this is a phal!)

5) Neostylis Lou Sneary 'Blue Bird'

Oncidium Family 10

1) psychopsis Mendenhall 'Hildos'

2) Burrageara Nelly Isler 'Swiss Beauty'

3) Onc Twinkle 'Fantasy'

4) Onc. (onc. ornithorhynchum x onc cheiroporum)

5) Oncidium cheiroporum

6) Zygo Blue Blazes x (mackayi x Blue Blazes)

7) Zygopabstia Kiwi

8) Zygopetalum mackayi

9) Rodriguezia venusta

10) Maxillaria tenuifolia

Phalaenopsis 6

1) Phalaenopsis equestris

2) Phalaenopsis amabilis

3) Phalaenopsis stuartiana

4) Phalaenopsis schilleriana dark

5) Phalaenopsis schilleriana v. purpurea

6) Phalaenopsis belliana

Pleione 4

1) Pleione confusa 'Golden Gate' HCC/AOS

2) Pleione buboecodiodes

3) Pleione formosanum

4) Pleione yunnanense

Odds and Ends 11

1) Haraella rectrocalla x sib

2) Tuberlabium woodii

3) Vanilla planfolia 'Baker's Secret'

4) Schoenorchis fragrans

5) Bulbophyllum ambrosia

6) Cyncnodes Wine Delight 'Jem' FCC/AOS

7) Dyakia hendersoniana

8) Anguloa clowesii

9) Aerides odorata

10) Rhynchstylis gigantea (red)

11) Ludsia discolor (probably going to give this away)

---------- Post added at 10:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:29 AM ----------

I also have a few noID's but I don't list those, either. :)


I'd like to grow a vanilla. I'd love a variegated one, not so much for the flowers, but because their growth habit sounds like fun. I was thinking I'd like to grow it in a hanging basket in front of my kitchen window (over the kitchen sink.) and I was curious about the culture and if it would thrive under those conditions.

Leafmite 05-27-2014 04:12 PM

Vanilla planfolia is easy to grow. Just keep it warm, give it a loose, fast-draining soil and good light. I have both a variegated planfolia and the green one. :)

RandomGemini 05-27-2014 04:43 PM

Sounds easy. Really easy... Now I just have to find one! Thanks!

CissysHome 07-23-2015 01:14 PM

I haven't updated but so far this is my collection.

Rlc Sachiko Tsugawa "Volcano Royal"
Rlc Mari's Song
Rlc Good News "Yuki"
Rlc Toshio Aoki "Pokai"
Dendrobium Oriental Smile "Fantasy"
Dendrobium Red Emperor "Prince"
Rlc Magic Meadow "Napoleon"
Rlc Volcano Plum "Volcano Queen"
Rlc Volcano Harmony "Volcano Queen"
Rlc Ports of Paradise "Emerald Isle"
Rlc Prime Degracia "Volcano Beauty"
Blc Lili Marie Alma "Sus Bulb"
Blc Tickled Pink "Blumen Insel" x BLC Llano Leo "Hilquin"
Blc Golden Chieftain "Akuki"
Blc Anan Green Mutant x Blc Lawless Zauberflote
Yu Pin Hakutou x March Crocker
Phalaenopsis "Sun Passat"
Blc Abbeville Golden Promise
Oncidium Copper Scrab "Brass Brethren"
Blc Irene Finney "York"
Cattleya Joan Landsberg
Cattleya LC Paola Matano
Dendrobium Nobile Violet Fizz "Luna"
Dendrobium Nobile New Century "Happiness"
Dendrobium Nobile Oriental Smile "Fantasy"
Dendrobium Nobile Fairy Moon 'Sweetie'
Dendrobium Comet King
Dendrobium Spring Bird
Dendrobium Sea Mary 'Snow King'
Dendrobium Madame Vipa s Burana Green
Dendrobium Burana Jade Yellow
Vasco Fine Wine "Carmela"
Ascda Watsatree Delight "Red Berry"
Blc Solar Flare "Paradise"
Blc Hawaiian Venture "Carmela"
Pot. Marlene Lindquist "Orange Delight"
Dendrobium Nobile New Century "Happiness"
Dendrobium Nobile Violet Fizz "Luna"
Dendrobium Frosty Dawn
Vanda Therab Blue
Dendrobium Proud Appeal "Ace"
Vanda Pachara Delight
Vanda Wattana Pink
Miltonia Lennart Karl Gottling
Lc Hawaiian Ice
Blc Amy Wakasugi
C Brabantiae
Miltonia Eddie Brown "Jackpot"
Bc Island Charm
Cattleya Hawaiian Wedding Song
Miltonia Hajime Ono "Raspberry"
Monnierara Millenium Magic "Witchcraft"
Blc Shannon Conner "Pink Paradise"
Miltoniopsis Edie Brown "Jackpot"
Lc. Melody Fair 'Carol' HCC/AOS
Blc. Lawless Walkure 'The Ultimate' AM/AOS
Pot. Dick Smith 'Paradise'
C. Cherry Song 'Pink'
Blc. Samba Splendor 'Puerto Rico' AM/AOS
Lc. Irene Finney 'York' AM/AOS
Blc. Toshio Aoki 'Starburst' AM/AOS
Lc. Dinard 'Blue Heaven' AM/AOS
Orchid Vanda Vasco Prapawan x coerulea
Orchid Vanda Wattana Pink
Orchid Vanda Rhynchorides Bangkok Sunset

Oscarman 07-23-2015 11:15 PM

Awesome thread Kuzuri.

I'm at 547 plants, :shock: (how did that happen?) so how about a summary?

60% Cattleya (1/4 species, 3/4 hybrids)
20% Phalaenopsis (1/2 species, 1/2 hybrids)
5% Pahpiopedilum (1/2 species, 1/2 hybrids)
15% mostly species of Angraecum, Brassia, Coelogyne, Cycnoches, Dendrobium, Maxillaria, Oncidium, Rhynchostylis, Stanhopea, Vanda, Zygopetalum,

Helene 07-25-2015 01:31 PM

Oh my god :D

Lol, I'm just reading and both impressed and a bit jealous, and wow- awesome :D all of your collections :)

Last poster: 547?! Damn ;) :p Wow! Lol, well, they tend to just keep adding I guess ;)

dangerouseddy 07-25-2015 01:42 PM

mine are mostly phals a few species and quiet a few noids.

dtps leopard prince
phal tai-i yellow bird
dtps tysing shin melody
phal taisuko kaladia
dtps tysing shin melody x p musashino
dtps queen beer
phal brother stage
phal ching her budha
Phalaenopsis tetra bell (tetrapis x Phal bellina)
phal salu spot
phal sogo lisa
phal sogo domei
phal sogo key
phal sogo rose
phal venosa x golden emporer
phal paifangs tsung shen x schilleriana
phal schilleriana
phal ambonosa
phal venosa
phal deventariana
phal paifangs queen x misty green
Phalaenopsis Tetraspis (seedling)
Phal. Ba Shi Canary
Phal. Luedde - violacea x (Coral Isles x fasciata)
Phalaenopsis mariae

full size:-
phal luddemanniana
phal violeca red
phal sogo david
phal hieroglyphica
phal violeca blue x phal bellina blue
phal violeca red
Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi
phal modesta
Phalaenopsis mariae
phal fasciata
Phalaenopsis Sogo Grape 'Fireball'
phal bellina
phal mok choi yew
phal equestris alba

phal violacea var. coerulea

Phal. pulchra Red
Phalaenopsis Liodora
Dtps. Purple Martin

Subrosa 07-25-2015 02:31 PM

Catasetum hybrids:
Clowestum Black Jade
Fdk After Dark Black Pearl
Fdk Midnight Lace
Fdk After Dark Morning After x Catasetum pileatum Green Gold

Stanhopea alliance:

Acineta chrysantha
Aciopea Gunter Gerlach x Stanhopea jenischiana
Stanhopea jenischiana
Gongora fulva
Gongora galeata
Gongora rufescens
Vazqeziella bolivianus

Dendrobium species:

D. aggregatum
D. catenatum
D. chrysopterum
D. kingianum
D. lamyaiae
D. loddigesii
D. parrishii
D. reflexitepalum
D. speciosum var. pedunculatum
D. unicum

Oncidium alliance:

Lockhartia serra
Maxillaria tenuifolia
Rodriguezia venusta
Noid intergeneric, probably a Sharry Baby

Pleurothallis alliance:

Masdevallia Cheryl Shohan 'Red Hot Mama'
Masdevallia Fuschia Dawn Rolfe
Masdevallia Golden Gate Mary Staal
Masdevallia Marguerite
Pleurothallis stricta
Salpistele brunnea

Bulbophyllum alliance:

Bulbophyllum baileyii

Vanda alliance:

Aerangis citrata
Holcoglossum kimballianum
Vanda falcata from Exotic Orchids of Maui
Vanda falcata Suminagashi
Vanda falcata Suikaden
Multiple noid Phalaenopsis

Cattleya alliance:

Brassavola nodosa
Encyclia cordigera
Laelia alaorii
Leptotes bicolor
Neolauchea pulchellus

Terrestrial species:

Bletilla striata Innocence
Caladenia flava
Calopogon tuberosus
Diuris magnifica
Elythranthera emarginata
Pleione formosana
Sacoila lanceolata
Spiranthes cernua odorata
Spiranthes sinensis
Spiranthes vernalis
Stenoglottis longifolia
Stenoglottis macgloughlinii
Stenoglottis woodii
Stenoglottis Longwood
Stenoryhchus speciosum
Thelymitra crinita

twinkie 02-23-2019 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by LovePhals (Post 676887)
Nice lists everyone. It's fun to look up the ones you don't know to see if you want to add it to yours!

Here is a list of my plants...

Psychopsis Papilio

I know this thread is old, but do you happen to have a photo of this orchid?

ANATURELOVERJ 02-26-2019 02:33 AM

I know of a very large cyrtopodium punctatum that will be put up for adoption. Does anyone know of a state or national park that would be interested in its purchase? It presently has 18 spikes that will be showing flowers in the next couple weeks, as well as has 2 seed pods that are about to open.

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