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Tricho 05-31-2007 12:53 PM

Cycnoches warscewiczii

This one really makes me :drool:

entire span is 12 cm

Bought it as chlorochilon but my seller had a wrong tag!


cb977 05-31-2007 12:56 PM

:drool: Me too!
That's a beauty!!!

Frdemetr 05-31-2007 01:01 PM

Wonderful! Congrats!

Ross 05-31-2007 01:04 PM

Fantastic flowers!

smweaver 05-31-2007 01:20 PM

Very nice! Was it in spike when you got it? If not, could you tell me how you grow it to get the male flowers? I have the same species that's flowered every fall for the last three years, but I've only gotten female flowers so far. They're beautiful as well, and the smell is good too. But I would like to see if I can do something in order to get the male flowers instead this fall--if for no other reason than to compare the scent to that of the female flowers. Thanks!


Lagoon 05-31-2007 01:23 PM

OOoo how I love these, Don't have any, but I love them :biggrin:
Fabulous blooms!!

Dorothy 05-31-2007 01:29 PM

WOW :shock:
This one is new to me and
I'm loving it! :drool:

Tricho 05-31-2007 01:33 PM

Thanks to all for th nice words :)


Originally Posted by smweaver (Post 36515)
Very nice! Was it in spike when you got it?
If not, could you tell me how you grow it to get the male flowers?

No, it was a junior plant. I believe that you should reduce the light levels. And perhaps put a less more of fertilizer. Big and well fed plants tend to think that it's a good strategy to be female and the others to be male.

So, if the plant has less energy it will tend to be male. (please, ladies, no jokes :) )

At least it seems to be so by what I read and experience.

Tindomul 05-31-2007 03:02 PM

Very alien looking. Fantastic flower for sure!

Gin 05-31-2007 03:51 PM

:cheer: Beautiful blooms and photo .. I am sitting here grinning but won't make a joke :biggrin: Gin

Dorothy 05-31-2007 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by Tricho (Post 36522)
Thanks to all for th nice words :)

So, if the plant has less energy it will tend to be male. (please, ladies, no jokes :) )

I bet it has something to do with all that energy going into its spike ...

I just couldn't help myself :blushing: :evil:

Ross 05-31-2007 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Dorothy (Post 36590)
I bet it has something to do with all that energy going into its spike ...

I just couldn't help myself :blushing: :evil:

This come from experience? :scratchhead: :crackup:

cb977 05-31-2007 05:45 PM

[QUOTE]So, if the plant has less energy it will tend to be male. (please, ladies, no jokes :) )


Dorothy 05-31-2007 06:07 PM

Observation - Ross

Ross 05-31-2007 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Dorothy (Post 36606)
Observation - Ross

:hmm :nana: :duh: :coverlaugh: :!:

nancy 06-17-2007 03:22 PM

Cycnoches warcswiczii
2 Attachment(s)
Hello -
I have this one as well, and it really is spectacular! My flowers (I have had both male and female bloomings) are very much greener than yours appear in the photo.
The scent will almost knock you down: a combo of banana, moth balls, acetone and maybe a bit of cat spray (but it works).
Enjoy - Nancy

msm7951 06-17-2007 11:12 PM


Its like looking upside down, and still beautiful.

Got to have one of those.

Marco 06-18-2007 12:31 AM

i really like this one!

KEGinMichigan 06-18-2007 09:17 AM

Great growing. I love cycnoches! I have one that I recently purchased and cannot recall the name.


Oscarman 06-18-2007 10:10 AM

Tricho - very nice flowers and photo!

How do you grow these types?

Tricho 06-18-2007 03:57 PM

Hi Nancy


Originally Posted by nancy (Post 39752)
are very much greener than yours

yes, the color on mine is the true one, but i like greener as yours too! :)


Originally Posted by nancy (Post 39752)
The scent will almost knock you down: a combo of banana, moth balls, acetone and maybe a bit of cat spray

Well, now i know who to ask about scents, I can never describe these things. But they are really outstanding ;)

Tricho 06-18-2007 04:07 PM

Thanks Oscar


Originally Posted by Oscarman (Post 39882)
How do you grow these types?

I don't mean to appear cryptic, but i really do what is written about them.

When in grow (new roots with 2 or 3 inch and new grow) plenty of water and fertilizer. Hot spot and bright light. Never let it dry. They are heavy feeders.

In the beginning of winter I start to let it almost completely dry, no fertilizer at all. Only control to see if the pseudobulbs don't shrivel too much (never happended to me, high humidity in winter). They like to go dormant. You can cut the leaves if they don't want to go dormant :evil:

Catasetum and Clowesia I let it completely dry in winter, but Cycnoches and Mormodes not so much. You have to adjust to your conditions.

one thing that results very well to me is to put the pseudobulb almost not touching the media ( I use a stick if needed). So the probability of rot is minimized ;)

If you don't have any, start by a Catasetum. They are easier.

nancy 06-18-2007 11:09 PM

I agree with Tricho's cultural feelings. I think on the AOS site there is advice to cut off the roots, and separate into individual pseudobulbs in winter, and leave these to dry. I heartily disagree, and have found that leaving the entire plant on its mount, or in its pot or basket, whole, is much better over the winter.
As Tricho says, pot the plant high in a pot, or leave a circle around the plant with no medium touching the tops of the roots - I have lost no plants to rot since growing this way. And cutting off the roots, to me, is a very bad idea - plants do not grow this way in the wild.
Conventional growing methods also say that higher light = female flowers while dimmer light = male. I am beginning to suspect that the older plants tend to get more female flowerings. But I could be wrong!
I think all of these catasetinae flowers are the work of a very fanciful artist - they do not look like all the other flowers; I hope the hybridizers do not try to tinker with these until they all have round, flat similar flowers. I like all of their ruffles and bristles and oddities. Vive la difference!

Oscarman 06-19-2007 12:43 AM

Thanks for the advice - I am eager to try one (or two!)

Tricho 06-19-2007 10:27 AM

Nancy, I totally agree with you! :)


Originally Posted by nancy (Post 40127)
Conventional growing methods also say that higher light = female flowers while dimmer light = male. I am beginning to suspect that the older plants tend to get more female flowerings. But I could be wrong!

Yes, you are right. Although not clear cut, it seems that the more energy the plant will have the higher the probability of turning female. And size and number of pseudobuls are important in giving more energy to new growths (besides light, as mentioned).


Originally Posted by nancy (Post 40127)
Vive la difference!

I totally agree. I do like hybrids and somewhat improved flowers or/and plants. But, for my taste, the "perfect" flower is not the one that necessarily has more points in an AOS judgement.

TeresaE 06-20-2007 01:50 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I purchased a Cycnoches haagii on Sunday (Dave did you get one from Paramount?? :) )

There were three to choose from (Cycnoches peruviana & Cycnoches chlorochilon as well), and I liked this one the best....can't wait until it flowers!! At least I hope it does! Here is a pic I found online of it.

KEGinMichigan 06-20-2007 08:24 AM

Very cool, Teresa!


Tricho 06-20-2007 09:11 AM

Well done Teresa! :)
For me, this one is even nicer!

I don't have one of those yet, but i'm getting one this year, late in the sumer, in one expo!

Good growing ;)

TeresaE 06-20-2007 11:02 AM

Yeah I am very excited!! If I can get this one to bloom I may get another one. Apparently these need to be bone dry for 2-3 months when they are dormant, plus they loose all their leaves, so I'd better remember not to throw it out thinking its dead, LOL!

Tricho 06-20-2007 01:07 PM

Hi Teresa


Originally Posted by TeresaE (Post 40407)
Apparently these need to be bone dry for 2-3 months when they are dormant

yes, that's it
In my setup it is not a problem, but if in yours conditions the pseudobulb shrivel too much do water. Just enough to keep it from dry altogether.

If you like pendant, try Clowesia!

TeresaE 06-20-2007 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Tricho (Post 40429)
Hi Teresa

yes, that's it
In my setup it is not a problem, but if in yours conditions the pseudobulb shrivel too much do water. Just enough to keep it from dry altogether.

If you like pendant, try Clowesia!

Yeah I put a little sticker on the plant with those notes so I won't forget. :)

Oscarman 06-20-2007 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by TeresaE (Post 40369)
I purchased a Cycnoches haagii on Sunday (Dave did you get one from Paramount?? :) )

There were three to choose from (Cycnoches peruviana & Cycnoches chlorochilon as well), and I liked this one the best....can't wait until it flowers!! At least I hope it does! Here is a pic I found online of it.

I didn't even see them! Picked up a nice Paph. callosum and Dtps. Anna-Larati Soekadi 'Rainbow' instead. Good to know Paramount has them.

TeresaE 06-20-2007 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Oscarman (Post 40460)
I didn't even see them! Picked up a nice Paph. callosum and Dtps. Anna-Larati Soekadi 'Rainbow' instead. Good to know Paramount has them.

It was in the newsletter that he was bringing them! Was hard to pick one though! Decisions!

I got one of those Dtps. as well...they are very cute and tiny that's for sure. Can wait until the flowers open up!

cb977 06-20-2007 06:58 PM

"So, if the plant has less energy it will tend to be male. (please, ladies, no jokes )"

Sorry Tricho but :coverlaugh: :coverlaugh: :coverlaugh:

Tricho 06-20-2007 07:36 PM


I should know better! :lol:

KHissam 10-05-2008 12:35 PM

Beautiful cycnoches!
Absolutely stunning! Where would a newbie find such a plant? there doesn't seem to be any suppliers in my vicinity - where would I begin adding to my collection more than what is available through the "box stores?"

I am really interested in fragrant orchids! At this point, they seem like an enigma!

nancy 10-05-2008 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by KHissam (Post 154141)
Absolutely stunning! Where would a newbie find such a plant? there doesn't seem to be any suppliers in my vicinity - where would I begin adding to my collection more than what is available through the "box stores?"

I am really interested in fragrant orchids! At this point, they seem like an enigma!

I feel like the devil's advocate here...I've gotten some very nice catasetinae from Clown Alley Orchids in Pasadena, TX; though I have never mail-ordered any, if they will be at a show or other close by, you can request that they bring you a little ~something~.
Catasetum Orchid Catalog
I think he has his show/speaking schedule on the website - perhaps an appearance in a town near you!
As luck would have it, John Stubbings will be speaking (on Catasetinae!) at our annual Orchid Short Course in December. Oh, lead me into temptation!
Cheers - Nancy

KHissam 10-05-2008 06:25 PM

Thanks, Nancy! :-) Feel free to continue to be a devil's advocate! I needed a new obsession - er, hobby!

Bruno De Toni 10-05-2008 07:44 PM

Very outstanding flowers, congratulations Tricho. Confusion between chlorochilon and warscewiczii is very frecuent in nurseries, actually most of the hybrids that were obtained from cholorochilon are actually from warscewiczii. Regarding the production of female or male flowers I have my own understanding made in the areas were commonly grow catasetums and cycnoches. I agree that if the plant is strong and robust, high probability to obtain female flowers, but also it must have to play the change of wet to dry season. Female flowers are synchronous with the end of the wet season (close to it), because the maturation of the seed pod takes place durind the dry season and it opens during the most dryer stage of the dry season a few weeks just before the beggining of the wet season. This happens in Venezuela, where I could observed this behavior in the forests near the place were I live. In the US or Europe and do not know whats trigger the female flower occurence, I agree that a strong plant it would.

nancy 10-05-2008 08:58 PM

Re: male and female flowers: at least in the catasetum, the male flowers are far more attractive and varied. But with cycnoches, the flowers of both sexes tend to be similar, both beautiful and fragrant, but the female flowers larger and fewer in number, while the male flowers are small but much more numerous.
No bad alternative, IMO.
Regards - Nancy

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