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ScottMcC 11-05-2006 10:16 AM

The S/H list
Please reply to this thread with a list of all the plants you've successfully grown in s/h. I'll find a way to get the lists merged and compacted and whatnot into a sticky post so that it's a useful reference.

Please sort your entries alphabetically by genus, with hybrid genera lumped together (ie all the catts together, all the oncidium intergenerics together) Thanks!

Combined list so far (merged first 3 lists):

Blc Angel Heart 'Hihimanu' x Lc Sunday Walk
Blc Chia Lin
Blc Chia Lin 'New City'
Blc Chian Tzy General 'CT Samuel'
Blc Copper Queen 'S&W'
Blc George King 'Serendipity'
Blc Goldenzelle 'Lemon Chiffon'
Blc Hawaian Lightning 'Fiesta'
Blc Hawaian Wizard "Carmela"
Blc Hawaian Wahine 'Carmela'
Blc Momilani Rainbow "The Gypsy" x 2
Blc Pokai Tangerine x Chocolate Sun
Blc Varut Roonkamol
Blc Wanda's Fire
Blc Williette Wong 'The Best'
Blc Yen Surprise
Cattleya aurantiaca
Cattleya Earl 'Imperiallis x Intermedia 'White Dwarf'
Cattleya Earl 'Imperiallis x Intermedia 'White Dwarf'
Cattleya Epc. Kyoguchi
Cattleya Hkusa Hwa Yuan Sogo
Cattleya Lc phra nakhon khiri x C. Netrasiri Beauty
Cattleya Lc phra nakhon x C. Netrasirs Beauty
Cattleya Otaara Hwa Yuan Bay She Shu
Cattleya Richard Mueller X
Cattleya Sangyang Ruby Orchis
Cattleya Taiwan Queen Kings Monkey (BC108)
Eplc Don Herman
Iwanagara Apple Blossom (Dial. Snowflake x Blc. Orange Nuggett)
Lc Mini Purple 'Pricess Road'
Lc Mini Purple 'Pricess Road'
Lc Kaleidoscope (Lc. Phra Nakhon Khiri x C. Netrasiri Beauty 'Rainbow')
Lc Ken Stromsland 'Eric' (Arlene Marie x Hausermann's Pride)
Lc Kimberly Federighi 'Nicole'
Potinara Burana Beauty (Cattleya)
Potinara Hisako Akasuka "Vocano Queen"
Potinara Haw Yuan Gold YK #2
Potinara Thi-ti Chanchai Gold (Cattleya)
Vaughnara Sir Walter Raleigh ‘Yellow Squirt’
Catt noid (3)

Cym Fatal Beauty
Cym Milton Carpenter 'Everglades Gold'

Den ?
Den bigibum
Den Bobby Messina X JiaGold (X230)
Den Candy Stripe X Tomie Drake (X180)
Den Cleopatra
Den Compactum Pink X Sirirat - Hirota (X402)
Den Dia Hrt Compactum X Imelda Romauldez (X335)
Den Ekapol 'King Dragon' X Anucha 'Flare' (X295)
Den Emma White
Den Formosum X Queen Southwich (X374)
Den Haleahi Showers 'Fresco' X Jaq-Hawaii 'Shooting Stars'
Den Helanthix
Den Judy Ruts (X301)
Den New Queen Southeast
Den Queen Southeast
Den Salaya Candy
Dend Spectabile
Den Sunrise
Den Thong Chai Gol'Mutation' (X407)
Den Tropic Blue
Den Woon Long "Red Lip"
Den X423

Beallara Tahoma Glacier x 2
Beallara Tahoma Glacier 'Sugar Sweet'
Brassia Datacosa 'Coos Bay' x (Edvah loo x longissima) 'Valentino'
Dgmra Hani Star Of Unicorn
Miltassia Shelob ‘Red Spider’
Miltassia Charles M. Finch Izumi
Miltassia Shooting Star
Miltonia Echo Bay ‘Midnight Tears’ AM/AOS
Miltonidium Milt. Aztec x Onc. Sarcodes 'Carmel'
Oncidioda Charlesworthii ‘Mishima’ HCC/AOS
Oncidium Sharry Baby ‘Red Fantasy’ (Jamie Sutton x Honolulu)
Onc Sharry Baby

Species Paphs:
kolopakingii ‘Riopelle’ FCC/AOS x self
lowii ‘Krull Smith’ AM/AOS x ‘Superfly’ AM/AOS
lowii x Paph. lowii ‘Princehouse’ AM/AOS
philippinense ‘Angel Wings’ HCC/AOs x ‘Easter Parade’ HCC/AOS
philippinense var. laevigatum aureum ‘Snowy’ x ‘Buttermilk’
philippinense var. roebelinii ‘Grace’ x ‘Candor Red Streamers’
philippinense var. roebelinii fma. aureum ‘Greenlace’ JC/AOS x self
platyphyllum ‘Tonka’ x sib.
randsii (2)
rothschildianum ‘Laura’ (‘Rex’ FCC/AOS x ‘Excelsior’)
rothschildianum ‘Rex’ FCC/AOS x ‘Mont Millais’ FCC/AOS
rothschildianum ‘Green Valley’ SM/TPS x ‘Fly Eagle’ AM/AOS
sanderianum ‘Maki’ x self
sanderianum ‘Bruno Manser’ x ‘Penanke’
stonei ‘Fernwood’ 4N x self
stonei (’Maybrook’ x ‘Druid’s Mantis’) x ‘Madison Twister’
supardii ‘Very Nice’ x ‘Waldo’

Hybrid Paphs:
Addicted Philip (philippinense ‘Twister’ x adductum ‘Black Stallion')
Angel Hair (St. Swithin ‘Patti’ x sanderianum)
Bel Royal (topperii x rothschildianum)
Berenice (lowii ‘Dragonfly’ AM/AOS x philippinense var. roebelinii ‘Birch Point’ AM/AOS)
Eva Weigner
Hsinying Cherry x Ruby Leopard Flame
Johanna Burkhardt (rothschildianum ‘Knight’ x adductum ‘Black Stallion')
Johanna Burkhardt (rothschildianum ''Golden Boy' AM/AOS x adductum 'Black Star')
Julius (rothschildianum ‘Rex’ FCC/AOS x lowii ‘Burma Beauty’)
kolopakingii x randsii
Kolosand (kolopakingii var. topperi x sanderianum ‘Penanko’)
Kolosand (kolopakingi x sanderianum)
Lady Isabel (rothschildianum ‘Bion’ FCC/AOS x stonei ‘Bion’ FCC/AOS)
Lightlime "Alba" (White Knight x Day Glow)
Michael Koopowitz (philippinense var. roebelinii ‘Monte Vista’ x sanderianum ‘36”’)
Petula's Dream
Poulsbo (kolopakingii x praestan var. glanduliferum)
Prince Edward of York (rothschildianum ‘Rex’ FCC/AOS x sanderianum ‘Deep Pockets’)
Sander’s Pride (stonei ‘Noyo’ x sanderianum)
sanderianum ‘Henry’ x gigantifolium ‘Dark Twister’
St. Swithin (philippinense ‘Alford’ AM/AOS x rothschildianum ‘Crystelle’ FCC/AOS)
St. Swithin (philippinense var. roebelinii 'Birch Point' AM/AOS x rothschildianum ‘Bion’)
Shin Yi's Pride (Michael Koopowitz x rothschildianum 'Crystelle' FCC/AOS)
Temptation (philippinense ‘Calico’ AM/AOS x kolopakingii ‘Klehm’s’)
Paph noid (3)

Species Phals:
Phal Javanica (3)
Phal Bellina
Phal Schilleriana (2)
Phal Equesris
Phal Equestris var. alba
Phal Violacea var. coerulea (2)

Hybrid Phals:
Phal (timothy christopher x javanica)
Phal Brother Coral x Ever Spring Pearl (Spots)
Phal Chain Xen Queen
Phal ever spring prince 'black eagle'
Phal I-Hsin gold coin
Phal ever spring prince 'black buttefly'
Phal Kumason Bear ‘Sun Flair’
Phal Leopard Prince x Minho Princess (DTPS)
Phal Maki's Mist
Phal Mount Beauty X (DTPS)
Phal penang girl
Phal Samba "Kim Stacy"
Phal Sensation
Phal sogo lit-angel
Phal Sun Tye 'Diamond' (DTPS)
Phal valentinii var. alba
Phal Violacea Borneo
Phal Yukimai Dream M-3 X
Phalaenopsis noid (4)

Species Phrags:
besseae ‘Haven’ x ‘Smokin’ (2)
besseae ‘Smokin’ x ‘Colossal’
besseae ‘Big Bob’ x ‘Collosal’
besseae ‘Sun Fire’ x ‘Orange Circle’
besseae f. flavum ('Windy Hill' x 'Sunbeam')
warscewiczianum ‘Orchidview’ FCC/AOS x self

Hybrid Phrags:
Apple Pie (Magdalene Rose 'Mother' 4N x besseae 'Paute')
Asuko Fischer (Jason Fischer ‘Red Wing’ x fischeri)
Beauport ‘Red Rocket’ (sargeantianum x Hanne Popow)
Beverly Fischer (St. Ouen ‘Coral Glow’ x fischeri ‘Jerry’s Dream’)
Cape Sunset
Don Wimber (4N) (Eric Young ‘Mont Millais’ [4N] x besseae ‘Rob’s Choice’ AM/AOS [4N])
Don Wimber
Grouville (4N)
Hanne Popow (3N) (besseae ‘Terry’s Choice’ [4n] x schlimii ‘Pink Balloon’)
Jason Fischer 4N [Memoria Dick Clements 4N ‘Walter’ x (besseae ‘Peruvian’ x besseae var. dalessandroi) 4N]
La Vivace Epicure Phyllis D Turner
Les Dirouilles (Sorcerer's Apprentice x Grande)
Memoria Dick Clements 'Katherine' AM/AOS
Mount Fallu
Sorcerer's Apprentice
St. Ouen flavum 3N(Hanne Popow ‘Peachy’ x besseae fma. flavum ‘Taiyo’ AM/AOS) (2)
Scarlet O'Hara (besseae 'Fire Wings' x Jason Fischer 'Super Red')
Waunakee Sunset (Barbara LeAnn ‘Hot Summer’ x besseae ‘Woodstream Extreme’)
Wossner Supergrande

Neofinetia Falcata standard white
Rhyn gigantea alba

Cochleanthes Amazing
Encycl cochleata
Encycl Nursery Rhyme Greenest x ceratistes
Euepidendrum cinnabarinum
Euepidendrum radicans

Heather 11-05-2006 11:12 AM

Paphiopedilum Species
kolopakingii ‘Riopelle’ FCC/AOS x self
lowii ‘Krull Smith’ AM/AOS x ‘Superfly’ AM/AOS
philippinense ‘Angel Wings’ HCC/AOs x ‘Easter Parade’ HCC/AOS
philippinense var. laevigatum aureum ‘Snowy’ x ‘Buttermilk’
philippinense var. roebelinii ‘Grace’ x ‘Candor Red Streamers’
philippinense var. roebelinii fma. aureum ‘Greenlace’ JC/AOS x self
platyphyllum ‘Tonka’ x sib.
randsii (2)
rothschildianum ‘Laura’ (‘Rex’ FCC/AOS x ‘Excelsior’)
rothschildianum ‘Rex’ FCC/AOS x ‘Mont Millais’ FCC/AOS
rothschildianum ‘Green Valley’ SM/TPS x ‘Fly Eagle’ AM/AOS
sanderianum ‘Maki’ x self
sanderianum ‘Bruno Manser’ x ‘Penanke’
stonei ‘Fernwood’ 4N x self
stonei (’Maybrook’ x ‘Druid’s Mantis’) x ‘Madison Twister’
supardii ‘Very Nice’ x ‘Waldo’

Paphiopedilum Hybrids
Addicted Philip (philippinense ‘Twister’ x adductum ‘Black Stallion')
Angel Hair (St. Swithin ‘Patti’ x sanderianum)
Bel Royal (topperii x rothschildianum)
Berenice (lowii ‘Dragonfly’ AM/AOS x philippinense var. roebelinii ‘Birch Point’ AM/AOS)
Johanna Burkhardt (rothschildianum ‘Knight’ x adductum ‘Black Stallion')
Johanna Burkhardt (rothschildianum ''Golden Boy' AM/AOS x adductum 'Black Star')
Julius (rothschildianum ‘Rex’ FCC/AOS x lowii ‘Burma Beauty’)
kolopakingii x randsii
Kolosand (kolopakingii var. topperi x sanderianum ‘Penanko’)
Lady Isabel (rothschildianum ‘Bion’ FCC/AOS x stonei ‘Bion’ FCC/AOS)
Michael Koopowitz (philippinense var. roebelinii ‘Monte Vista’ x sanderianum ‘36”’)
Poulsbo (kolopakingii x praestan var. glanduliferum)
Prince Edward of York (rothschildianum ‘Rex’ FCC/AOS x sanderianum ‘Deep Pockets’)
Sander’s Pride (stonei ‘Noyo’ x sanderianum)
sanderianum ‘Henry’ x gigantifolium ‘Dark Twister’
St. Swithin (philippinense ‘Alford’ AM/AOS x rothschildianum ‘Crystelle’ FCC/AOS)
St. Swithin (philippinense var. roebelinii 'Birch Point' AM/AOS x rothschildianum ‘Bion’)
Shin Yi's Pride (Michael Koopowitz x rothschildianum 'Crystelle' FCC/AOS)
Temptation (philippinense ‘Calico’ AM/AOS x kolopakingii ‘Klehm’s’)

Phragmipedium Species
besseae ‘Haven’ x ‘Smokin’ (2)
besseae ‘Smokin’ x ‘Colossal’
besseae ‘Big Bob’ x ‘Collosal’
besseae ‘Sun Fire’ x ‘Orange Circle’
besseae f. flavum ('Windy Hill' x 'Sunbeam')
warscewiczianum ‘Orchidview’ FCC/AOS x self

Phragmipedium Hybrids
Apple Pie (Magdalene Rose 'Mother' 4N x besseae 'Paute')
Asuko Fischer (Jason Fischer ‘Red Wing’ x fischeri)
Beauport ‘Red Rocket’ (sargeantianum x Hanne Popow)
Beverly Fischer (St. Ouen ‘Coral Glow’ x fischeri ‘Jerry’s Dream’)
Don Wimber (4N) (Eric Young ‘Mont Millais’ [4N] x besseae ‘Rob’s Choice’ AM/AOS [4N])
Grouville (4N)
Hanne Popow (3N) (besseae ‘Terry’s Choice’ [4n] x schlimii ‘Pink Balloon’)
Jason Fischer 4N [Memoria Dick Clements 4N ‘Walter’ x (besseae ‘Peruvian’ x besseae var. dalessandroi) 4N]
Memoria Dick Clements 'Katherine' AM/AOS
St. Ouen flavum 3N(Hanne Popow ‘Peachy’ x besseae fma. flavum ‘Taiyo’ AM/AOS) (2)
Scarlet O'Hara (besseae 'Fire Wings' x Jason Fischer 'Super Red')
Waunakee Sunset (Barbara LeAnn ‘Hot Summer’ x besseae ‘Woodstream Extreme’)

Marco 11-06-2006 09:20 AM

Phal species
Phal Javanica (3)
Phal Bellina
Phal Schilleriana (2)
Phal Equesris
Phal Equestris var. alba
Phal Violacea var. coerulea (2)

Phal hybrids
(timothy christopher x javanica)
Phal penang girl
Phal valentinii var. alba
Phal I-Hsin gold coin
Phal ever spring prince 'black eagle'
Phal ever spring prince 'black buttefly'
Phal sogo lit-angel
noid (2)

Dend Spectabile
Catt hybrid noid (2)
Neofinetia Falcata standard white
Paph unifloral noid (2)
Bllra Tahoma Glacier
Paph Primulinum
Paph Eva Weigner

The last two will be moved out of SH as soon as the last flowers fall. I'm trying to streamline most of my paphs aside for the unifloral noids which I just leave in the back burner

sailor 11-08-2006 01:19 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is my Species list from Excel. - Ed

Beallara Tahoma Glacier
Beallara Tahoma Glacier 'Sugar Sweet'
Blc Angel Heart 'Hihimanu' x Lc Sunday Walk
Blc Chia Lin
Blc Chia Lin 'New City'
Blc Chian Tzy General 'CT Samuel'
Blc Copper Queen 'S&W'
Blc George King 'Serendipity'
Blc Goldenzelle 'Lemon Chiffon'
Blc Hawaian Lightning 'Fiesta'
Blc Hawaian Wizard "Carmela"
Blc Hawaian Wahine 'Carmela'
Blc Momilani Rainbow "The Gypsy"
Blc Pokai Tangerine x Chocolate Sun
Blc Varut Roonkamol
Blc Wanda's Fire
Blc Williette Wong 'The Best'
Blc Yen Surprise
Brassia Datacosa 'Coos Bay' x (Edvah loo x longissima) 'Valentino'
Cattleya ?
Cattleya aurantiaca
Cattleya Earl 'Imperiallis x Intermedia 'White Dwarf'
Cattleya Earl 'Imperiallis x Intermedia 'White Dwarf'
Cattleya Epc. Kyoguchi
Cattleya Hkusa Hwa Yuan Sogo
Cattleya Lc phra nakhon khiri x C. Netrasiri Beauty
Cattleya Lc phra nakhon x C. Netrasirs Beauty
Cattleya Otaara Hwa Yuan Bay She Shu
Cattleya Richard Mueller X
Cattleya Sangyang Ruby Orchis
Cattleya Taiwan Queen Kings Monkey (BC108)
Cochleanthes Amazing
Cym Fatal Beauty
Cym Milton Carpenter 'Everglades Gold'
Den ?
Den bigibum
Den Bobby Messina X JiaGold (X230)
Den Candy Stripe X Tomie Drake (X180)
Den Cleopatra
Den Compactum Pink X Sirirat - Hirota (X402)
Den Dia Hrt Compactum X Imelda Romauldez (X335)
Den Ekapol 'King Dragon' X Anucha 'Flare' (X295)
Den Emma White
Den Formosum X Queen Southwich (X374)
Den Haleahi Showers 'Fresco' X Jaq-Hawaii 'Shooting Stars'
Den Helanthix
Den Judy Ruts (X301)
Den New Queen Southeast
Den Queen Southeast
Den Salaya Candy
Den Sunrise
Den Thong Chai Gol'Mutation' (X407)
Den Tropic Blue
Den Woon Long "Red Lip"
Den X423
Dgmra Hani Star Of Unicorn
Encycl cochleata
Encycl Nursery Rhyme Greenest x ceratistes
Eplc Don Herman
Euepidendrum cinnabarinum
Euepidendrum cinnabarinum
Euepidendrum radicans
Euepidendrum radicans
Iwanagara Apple Blossom (Dial. Snowflake x Blc. Orange Nuggett)
Lc Mini Purple 'Pricess Road'
Lc Mini Purple 'Pricess Road'
Lc Kaleidoscope (Lc. Phra Nakhon Khiri x C. Netrasiri Beauty 'Rainbow')
Miltassia Charles M. Finch Izumi
Miltassia Shooting Star
Miltonidium Milt. Aztec x Onc. Sarcodes 'Carmel'
Onc Sharry Baby
Paph Duguesclin
Paph Hsinying Cherry x Ruby Leopard Flame
Paph Koolsands (kolopakingi x sanderianum)
Paph Lightlime "Alba" (White Knight x Day Glow)
Paph Petula's Dream
Paph Pinocchio
Paph Vanguard
Phal ?
Phal Chain Xen Queen
Phal Leopard Prince x Minho Princess (DTPS)
Phal Maki's Mist
Phal Mount Beauty X (DTPS)
Phal Samba "Kim Stacy"
Phal Sensation
Phal Sun Tye 'Diamond' (DTPS)
Phal Violacea Borneo
Phal Yukimai Dream M-3 X
Phrag After-glo
Phrag Don Wimber
Phrag Les Dirouilles (Sorcerer's Apprentice x Grande)
Phrag Mount Fallu
Phrag Noirmont
Phrag Sorcerer's Apprentice
Phrag Wossner Supergrande
Potinara Burana Beauty (Cattleya)
Potinara Hisako Akasuka "Vocano Queen"
Potinara Haw Yuan Gold YK #2
Potinara Thi-ti Chanchai Gold (Cattleya)
Rhyn gigantea alba

ScottMcC 11-10-2006 09:10 PM

Thanks everyone so far...but I know there's more s/h growers out there!!!! Let's see the lists!!!

Tindomul 11-10-2006 10:08 PM

I'll put in those who have shown growth and or spikes after switching to S/H

Lc. Tokyo Magic
Lc. Purple Cascade 'Fragrant Beauty'
Slc. Mini Beau (Sc. beaufort x L. lucasiana)
Dtps. Luchia Roseherz x Dtps. Sogo Toshiba
Phalaenopsis Malibu Bistro

Phalguy 11-30-2006 09:04 PM

Hello everyone!

Here`s my list:

Phal. bellina
Phal. luddemannianna var. Alan(5)
Phal. mannii
Phal amboinensis
Phal cochlearis
Phal corningiana
Kindigium deliciosa
Phal luddemanniana
Phal cornu-cervi var alba
Phal equestris va alba
Den kingianum
Den trigonopus
Phal schillerana
Phal phillipinensis

Phal. OrchidWorld Bonnie Vasquez
Phal. Penang Girl
Phal Ambonosa
Phal. Brother Princess
Phal. Golden Treasure
Phal. Texas Red Buddha
Phal. equestris rosea, Zuma Canyon
Sedirea japonica
Dtps. Kenneth Shulbert, Oriental Sky
Phal. Baldan`s Kaleidoscope
Phal. Stella
Dtps. NOID
Phal. Valentinii
Phal. Penang Girl X Phal. Violacea
Phal. cornu-cervi
Phal. Amboinensis X Phal. Hannover
Phal. Brother Love Amigo
Onc. Sharry Baby Sweet fragrance ( 6 )
Cattleya NOID
Lc. Hausermanns Firewings
EpiCattleya Charlie Brown
Onc. ornitorhicum
Onc. Twinkle sweet fantasy
Cochleanthes amazonica
Phal. Panda X Marta de rivella ( flask 11)
Vanillia plenifolia ( 5)
Maxillaria tenuifolia

Phal. Lo
Phal. Antoinette
Paph. Maudiae
Phal tetraspis `C#1`
Phal violacea 'Gulfstream Blue' JC/AOS


Orchid313 11-09-2007 04:14 PM

Plants in S_H
Well here's my list, alittle bit of everything. I've had only a very few plants, all species, that weren't happy in S-H.

Asctm. curvifolium
Bc Erotion
Bc Little Mermaid 'Janet'
Bl Morning Glory "H&R' Am/AOS
Bl Sea Urchin
Blc Ann Cleo 'Stars & Stripes'
Blc Chia-Lin "P.C.T." FCC/OSROC
Blc Hawaiian butterfly 'Carmela'
Brs Rex 'Sakata' AM/AOS
Bulb echinlabium x self
C aurantiaca 'Lemon Drop' x self
C Caudebac 'Carmela' HCC/AOS
C. Guatemalensis
C intermedia aquinii v coerulea
C intermedia v aquinii x L dayana
C intermedia v coerulea
C intermedia v roseum
C jenmanii
C mossiae alba
Cym dayanum
Cyrt holstii
Den compactum Gouldii x Den Udom Blue Angel
Den finisterrae
Den Komiyo Kondo
Den capiuliflorium
Den Julian 56
Den Julian 140
Den Proud Appeal 'Ace'
Den Thanaid Stripes 'Jumbo'
Diaca Chantilly Lace
Dial Snowflake
Dor buyssoniana x buyssoniana 'Crestwood'
Dtps Neewberry Candy Can 'Mendenhall'
Encycl radiatum
Epi stamfordianum 'Belize' x stamforianum '#1'
Eplc Don Herman 'Gold Rush'
Eplc Haiku Twinkle 'Red Elf'
G galeata
Hknsa Sogo Doll 'Little Angel' AM/OSROC
Hwra Lava Burst 'Puanani'
Iwan Apple Blossom
L. alaori
L dayana
L purpurata Flamea x purpurata Striata 'Doraci'
L purpurata Schusteriana x self
L purpurata v carnea 'Homestead' x purpurata v carnea
L purpurata v russeliana
L purpurata v sanguinea
L purpurata 'Werkhauserii'
Lc Angel Heart 'Hihimanu' AM/AOS
Lc Angel Love 'Pinkie' HCC/AOS
Lc Bowri-Albida 'Pink Lady'
Lc Butterfly Wings 'Orchid Library'
Lc Gaskell-Pumila 'Azure Star' HCC/AOS
Lc Love Knot 'Carmels's Blue'
Lc Mary Elizabeth Bohn 'Royal Flare' AM/AOS
Lc Memoria Robert Strait 'Blues'
Lc Mini Purple 'Blue Hawaii' AM/AOS
Lc Mini Purple v coerulea H&R
Lctna Lawless Glorian 'Yellow'
Lud discolor v Dawsoniana
Masd floribunda v Tuerckheimii
Miltnps vexillaria
Paph concolor v chlorophyllum
Paph Eerie Flame Wild Web x Nightshadow 'Wild Thing'
Paph henryanum x self
Paph Magic Lantern
Phal Mini Mark 'Holm'
Phal schilleriana
Phal Taisuco Purple Gem x Taisuco Stripe
Phrag Jason Fischer (3n) FCC/AOS
Phrag piercii
Pot Free Spirit 'Carmela'
Pot Burana Beauty 'Burana' HCC/AOS
Pot Hwa Yuan Gold 'YK#2' GM/16th WOC
Pot Little Toshie 'Yellow Rose'
Pot Mystere 'Natsumi' BM/JOGA
Pplnnt teres
Psychp Mendenhall FCC/AOS
Rdza lanceolata
Rynch digbyana 'Mrs Chase' AM/AOS
Slc Rajah's Delight
Slc Ateshperest 'Flaming Delight' AM/AOS
Slc Best Friend 'Jane'
Slc bright Angel x L briegeri
Slc Hsin Buu Lady 'Y.T.' Am/AOS

Ranchnanny 04-17-2008 12:48 AM

S/H List
:waving Well here is my list as I am just a new orchid grower now (2 years).

Phal. Prairie Du Sac 'Su' x Phal Luchia Lip
Phal. Brother Lancer
Phal. Brother Little Yellowboy
Phal. Tai Lin Angel x Dtps Taisuco Ball
Phal. Merlot Mist Cascade
Phal. Mini Mark Holms
Phal. Noid
Phal. Noid

Beallra Tahoma Glacier
Brsdm. Wildwoman
Brsdm. Wildwoman

Den. Udom Tu Tone
Den. Noid
Den. Noid
Den. Noid
Den. Noid
Den. Noid

Dtps. Long Pride Fancy

Laelia Cattleya Rojo
Laelia Cattelya Rojo

Lc. Mini Song 'Petite" AM/AOS
Lc. Irene Song 'Montclair' HCC/AOS
Lc. Mini Purple 'Blue Hawaii'
Slc. Smile Again Hawaii

Its a short list sure to get larger. All seem to be doing very well in this S/H medium.

TTFN - Sheridan

JamesK 10-13-2008 03:19 PM

Orchid list - Most in SH
Orchid Name When Purchased Where Purchased Type of Medium Notes
Dendrobium NOID 2005 Home Depot S/H
Dendrobium NOID 2005 Home Depot S/H
Phal NOID - Pink 2006 Home Depot S/H
Epi Stomfordiam "Belize" x epi Stamfordium "#1" 2007 Carter and Holmes S/H
Den Chai "OKA" x Chanaliculatum 2007 Washington Orchid Show S/H
Phychopsis "hildos" FCC/AOS 2007 Washington Orchid Show Original Bark from grower. Waiting for new growth to move to S/H
Phal - Dtps Sogo Berry "Sweetheart" 2007 Washington Orchid Show S/H
Brassia Caudita Alba "Jem" JC/AOS 2007 Washington Orchid Show S/H
Den. spectabile 2007 Carter and Holmes S/H
Phal New Wave 'Spring Meadow 2007 Carter and Holmes S/H
Bulb. lilakcrium 2007 Carter and Holmes S/H
Phal Equestris Alba 2007 Carter and Holmes S/H
Phal Glad Dawn "Shenandoah" 2007 Carter and Holmes S/H
Den Thonachai Gold "Kanokporn" 2007 Washington Orchid Show S/H
Epi rosioscriptum 2007 Carter and Holmes S/H
Epi corifolium X self 2007 Carter and Holmes S/H
Zygo "Kiwi Geyser" "Mendenhal" 2007 Carter and Holmes S/H
Baptistonia echinata x compretha macroplectron 2007 Washington Orchid Show Mounted on cork
Onc. Little Angel (foxuosun x onustum) 2008 Maryland Orchid Show S/H
D. Niraporn Baby Snow x D. Taksin Oberon No2 2008 Maryland Orchid Show S/H
D. Taksin Utopai X D. Taksin Mary Caine 2008 Maryland Orchid Show S/H
Den. Kingianum 2008 Maryland Orchid Show S/H
Onc.viperinu "J&L" AM/CBM/AOS 2008 Maryland Orchid Show Mounted on treefern
Onc. Twinkle 2008 Maryland Orchid Show S/H
(Mini) Vuylstekeara Melissa Brianne "Tawny Tart" AM/AOS pronounced - vul-stek-ee-AH-ruh April 2008 Homestead Gardens S/H
D. Niraporn Baby Snow x D. Taksin Oberon No2 May 2008 Keiki from above plant S/H
No ID Dendrobium (rescued from Rob) 5/25/2008 Rescued from Rob S/H
No ID Phal (rescued from Rob) 5/25/2008 Rescued from Rob S/H 6/11/08
Cischweinfia sheehaniae 10/11/2008 Washington Orchid Show S/H 10/11/08
Ecyclia Bractescens 10/11/2008 Washington Orchid Show S/H 10/11/08
Ecyclia Bractescens 10/11/2008 Washington Orchid Show S/H 10/11/08 A single psudobulb separated, and I planted it in its own container. The PB had a new growth on it already.
Coelogyne ochracea 10/11/2008 Washington Orchid Show S/H 10/11/08
Bulbophylum lasiochilum 10/11/2008 Washington Orchid Show S/H 10/11/08 Plant split in 2 when repotting
Bulbophylum lasiochilum 10/11/2008 Washington Orchid Show S/H 10/11/08 Plant split in 2 when repotting
Odm. cirrhosum 'B' 10/11/2008 Washington Orchid Show S/H 10/11/08
Psychopsis Kalith 10/11/2008 Washington Orchid Show S/H 10/11/08
Tolumnia Genting Orange 10/11/2008 Washington Orchid Show Tiny clay pot Not planning on putting this into SH, due to the nature of the plant.

AboutOrchids 11-16-2008 06:06 PM

I've been growing orchids for years but only recently stumbled upon s/h myself. I've been having great success with Vandaceous varieties that are normally tough for me to grow in potting media. Here's a short list of my s/h successes so far:

Ascofinetia 'Peachy'
Amesiella monticola
Oeniella polystachya

Royal 01-26-2009 03:22 PM

Ludisia discolor

s.kallima 01-27-2009 02:51 PM

Howeara lava burst
Dendrobium kingianum
Neofinetia falcata
Maxillaria tenuifolia
Pleurothallis restrepioides
Masdevallia Dean Haas
Coelogyne cristata

SP2340 05-23-2009 12:01 AM

Has anyone tried C. Leopoldii or Guttata?

zxyqu 07-27-2009 12:41 AM

Don't mean to reverse the S/H list here, but from the looks of it, maybe we should list those plants that did poorly, or didn't spike in S/H. Anyone have any specifics on Orchids that hated S/H?

Orchid313 07-27-2009 05:30 PM

Not for S-H
2 plants that did not do well for me in S-H are C. walkeriana ( I mounted it and it is doing just fine) and L. sincorana (2 plants have gone to Orchd heaven). Other rupiculous Laelias seem to thrive if you use small clay that dries out rapidly.

johnblagg 08-27-2009 10:44 AM

I just bought my very first Catts
blc Goldenzell 'lemon chiffon'
blc Mac holmes 'newberry'
lc Mary Ellen Carter ' dixie hummingbird'
Purchased on the 3rd of this month repotted into bark in wooden slat baskets one week later when they started popping out new roots and made a 650 mile trip home with them with no problems.After getting home last week end noticed that the bark I had purchased was getting soggy and slimy at the bottom of the baskets .....yeah Im sure Im heavy handed when watering but they are very small and Im obsessing probably lol.So anyways they are now in s/h with hydrotron to see if if is the cure for my orchid ocd.

Libo 09-28-2009 11:22 AM

I've got a big list in S/H too, however, how do you define "successful"? Adapted? Thriving? Blooming? Because a lot of my plants are still seedlings so I'm not sure if I can say it's successful or not, although they defintely grow like crazy:)

stefpix 10-05-2009 02:56 PM

I am going to try a Dendrobium formosum. is it ok? will it bloom? what about the slight winter rest? withold water or just fertilizer?

kavanaru 10-05-2009 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by zxyqu (Post 242431)
Don't mean to reverse the S/H list here, but from the looks of it, maybe we should list those plants that did poorly, or didn't spike in S/H. Anyone have any specifics on Orchids that hated S/H?

Good Luck!


Learner 11-18-2009 03:58 PM

Here is my current s/h list that only includes those plants that have successfully bloomed for me. Six others are currently spiking and I hope the list will continue to grow. If I have messed up a name, it is a combination of poor handwriting and worse typing.

Blc. carmela’s feckles
Blc hawaiian treasure
Blc campobello mendenhall
Bnts richard mueller x L. aurea
Den aberrans x johnsoniae
Den burana white
Den burana jasmine
Den Karen
Den noid….Lowes rescue
Den noid -Lowes rescue
Den noid
Dtps mount lipped chou
Lc gold digger
Lctna lawless gloriana
Mtssa racemaker ace
Mtssa noid
Otr fragrance
Phal wedding promenade
Phal smooth transition x porcelain pleasure
Phal taida lawrence x talsuco crane
Phal maki watanabe
Pot burana beauty
Prosthechea cochleata
Sc crystal smith
Slc vallezac evelyn
Spa noid
Up to Nov 18, 2009--------------------------------

occ2405 02-26-2011 06:35 PM

Hello everyone is dendrobium aggregatum a candidate for hydroponics?

nutgirl 02-27-2011 10:27 AM

I have one I started in Semi-Hydroponics last year.

It may be too soon to tell for sure but it currently has new root growth and a new lead and is blooming.


isurus79 06-20-2011 11:18 PM

This is an interesting list. I just started with s/h this past February (2011) and I will list the plants that I have had good vegetative success with. I say this meaning that the plants have rooted and grown new leads (usually BIIIG, FAT new leads!!) using s/h.

Cattleya walkeriana (http://www.orchidboard.com/community...lkerianas.html)
Catasetum Susan Fuchs
Ctsm. tenebrosum
Cycnoches William Clarke
Clowesia Rebecca Tyson Northen x Ctsm spitzii
Fdk. After Dark (x2)
Mormodes hookerae
Mormodes wolterianum- Was doing well in s/h but I think the heat fried the plant. It is recovering inside now.

isurus79 06-27-2011 08:29 AM

Oh, I forgot to mention my Phal. amboinensis that is growing rapidly. I will be potting 2 more Catasetums and another Phal. species today. In a few months I expect to be adding them to this list as well!

zxyqu 06-28-2011 12:40 PM

My current list of those growing and how they are doing. I've noticed there tends to be a significant transition period, especially with no heating pad underneath. Also, once my roots reach 1" or so, they tend to fail/die after transition.
- Phal cornu-cervi "Red" growing really well after a transition stall
- Phal Bastianii, doing ok
- Phal Amboinensis, doing ok
- Psychopsis papilio, doing great, bloomed
- Zygonisia Cynosure "blue birds", doing greatmultiple blooms
- Zygopetalum crinitum, doing great, NBS
- Pot. Memorial Gold, doing well, new growths
- Pot. Little Mermaid, doing well, new growths

Island Girl 04-14-2013 12:26 PM

Promenaea riograndensis ---this guy is growing great! Been in S/H for 7 months and has tons of new roots & pseudobulbs, more on the way... Hasn't bloomed as of yet, but I put it n after blooming, and it's not quite blooming season again, so I'll have to get back to y'all on that! :)

EDIT: As of May 10th 2013, it has 2 spikes, which each have 1 bud... I got two flowers coming my way soon! :biggrin:

jkrobins 10-27-2014 11:42 AM

My few plants in SH
Catt. Jewell Box 'Dark Waters'
Catt. Elizabeth Carlson 'York'
Onc. Catatante 'Pacific Sun Spots'
Onc. Splendidum
Psychopsis NOID
Zygopetalum Arthur Elle 'York'

Bunch_Of_Roots 08-04-2015 10:53 PM

Phal mariae
Oncidium twinkle

Anastasia Beverhausen 12-25-2015 09:53 AM

Cattleya Alliance
Brassavola little stars
Blc. Mem. Anna Ballmores 'Carmela'
Blc. Sa- Ngob Delight 'Krairit' -Dark Splash
C. Motte Spot 'Paradise'
Cattleytonia Why Not
Pottinaria Little Toshi 'H&R'
Dendrobium Aggregatum
Dendrobium Speciosum var. Pendunculatum
Dendrobium Spectabile
Max. Tenuifolia
Vanda Alliance
NoID Phalaenopsis (x3)
NoID miniature Phalaenopsis (x2)
Ren. Phillipinensis x V. Dr. Anek
Rhynchostylis Gigantea seedlings deflasked 4/ 13 (x9)

isurus79 12-25-2015 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Anastasia Beverhausen (Post 785089)
Cattleya Alliance
Brassavola little stars
Blc. Mem. Anna Ballmores 'Carmela'
Blc. Sa- Ngob Delight 'Krairit' -Dark Splash
C. Motte Spot 'Paradise'
Cattleytonia Why Not
Pottinaria Little Toshi 'H&R'
Dendrobium Aggregatum
Dendrobium Speciosum var. Pendunculatum
Dendrobium Spectabile
Max. Tenuifolia
Vanda Alliance
NoID Phalaenopsis (x3)
NoID miniature Phalaenopsis (x2)
Ren. Phillipinensis x V. Dr. Anek
Rhynchostylis Gigantea seedlings deflasked 4/ 13 (x9)

How does your speciosum grow in San Antonio? Does do well in the heat?

Ray 12-25-2015 04:55 PM

I hate to be a "wet blanket" here, but listing what plants you grow in semi-hydroponics is of NO VALUE to others unless you include details of your growing conditions, indicating both day/night, and seasonal variations.

ANY plant CAN be grown that way, but that does not mean that any one individual can grow every plant that way.

For example, I have a nearby customer who wins awards for her succulents and cacti grown in S/H culture. Could I do that? Probably not.

Anastasia Beverhausen 12-25-2015 05:53 PM

Hi Steve! My speciousum is growing really, really well, mind you i only bought it maybeeee.... three or four months ago? It's a pendunculatum variety, which i read on The Rock Lily Man is a more heat tolerant speciosum found in more nothern, warm areas of Australia.
I have it in a ten galon aquarium in semi hydroponics under two flouresent shop lights @ 4500 kelvins each, it's put out two new pbulbs bigger than the ones it came with, growing roots like CRAZY!! The lights keep the tank warm all day long, i have them on from 630 am to 830 pm on an automatic timer. I wish i could tell you the exact temp it reaches but santa did not remember to bring me a thermometer this year >:( but as soon as i get one, i can let you know what temperature is in the tank. Another thing i like about this pendunculatum is that they are said to be compact be comparison to other speciosum.... tbh it seems like a Labrador retriever could be said to be more compact than a species speciosum too, though.
I plan on shoving the tank out onto the balcony (north east) in one of those pop up green houses from L***s come spring, but i dont think i would leave it out in south Texas summer. Right now its inside under the lights as our balcony is too dark for anything in the winter. Sorry for the long winded reply, im sure im skipping over a bunch of stuff but i hope this reply isnt too, too daunting. :) lmk if u have any questions, i think i have a pic of it on my profile somewhere, but i can load another one if you'd like. I'll try to add the current temps its growing in asap too. Hope this is useful :)

isurus79 12-27-2015 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Anastasia Beverhausen (Post 785124)
Hi Steve! My speciousum is growing really, really well, mind you i only bought it maybeeee.... three or four months ago? It's a pendunculatum variety, which i read on The Rock Lily Man is a more heat tolerant speciosum found in more nothern, warm areas of Australia.
I have it in a ten galon aquarium in semi hydroponics under two flouresent shop lights @ 4500 kelvins each, it's put out two new pbulbs bigger than the ones it came with, growing roots like CRAZY!! The lights keep the tank warm all day long, i have them on from 630 am to 830 pm on an automatic timer. I wish i could tell you the exact temp it reaches but santa did not remember to bring me a thermometer this year >:( but as soon as i get one, i can let you know what temperature is in the tank. Another thing i like about this pendunculatum is that they are said to be compact be comparison to other speciosum.... tbh it seems like a Labrador retriever could be said to be more compact than a species speciosum too, though.
I plan on shoving the tank out onto the balcony (north east) in one of those pop up green houses from L***s come spring, but i dont think i would leave it out in south Texas summer. Right now its inside under the lights as our balcony is too dark for anything in the winter. Sorry for the long winded reply, im sure im skipping over a bunch of stuff but i hope this reply isnt too, too daunting. :) lmk if u have any questions, i think i have a pic of it on my profile somewhere, but i can load another one if you'd like. I'll try to add the current temps its growing in asap too. Hope this is useful :)

Definitely helpful! This summer I bought two kingianums and they grew just fine in the Texas heat, so I'm looking to other Aussie Dends that might do well here even though they're not supposed to tolerate the heat. The great thing about the kingianums is that I still haven't brought them inside for the winter, they've been cranking out new growths, and I think I see flower buds swelling on the newer bulbs. Peter Lin (in California) also posted some pics of an Aussie Dend cross that he thinks would do just fine here in Central Texas, which is more inspiration to try this group out here in Austin.

Where did you get the speciosums? Sorry to hijack this thread. :blushing:

avondale 03-15-2020 07:48 PM

All fifty of my miltoniopsis. All are thriving and putting out new growths. Miltoniopsis Red Tide, Pink Lemonade, Rene Komoda and Gordon Hoyt to name a few.

Joshaeus 11-14-2020 06:00 PM

I am growing my mom's phalaenopsis (exact hybrid unknown, it was a gift my sister gave her from the florist she worked at) in a pot of expanded clay media situated in a pool of seedling-strength nutrient solution; it also receives artificial lighting (about 500-1000 footcandles of 5000k LED light for 13-14 hours a day, depending on the day). My other houseplants are grown similarly except in stronger nutrient solution. The plant bloomed for some eight months after we were given it and now (just two months after losing the last of its prior blooms) is sending up another spike, so clearly this works for it.

estación seca 11-14-2020 06:24 PM

Phals do very well in S/H if temperatures are correct.

Ray 11-14-2020 08:48 PM

EVERYTHING does well in S/H if the conditions are right.

spinrah 11-14-2020 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by estación seca (Post 942230)
Phals do very well in S/H if temperatures are correct.

What would you say the correct temperatures should be? Would 68F and 50% humidity in the winter be too cold?

estación seca 11-14-2020 09:36 PM

The warmer it is, the better Phals do. Most of the large white/pink hybrids tolerate typical home humidity. The lusher kinds with yellow/red sequential flowers, like bellina, lueddemanniana and relatives, tend to require warm temperatures and higher humidity.

If temperatures are cool and humidity is low, there will be further evaporative cooling of the root zone. To avoid this some people put Phals on warming mats for the winter.

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