I have purchased large chunk perlite from Kelley's. I am pleased with it. There are some smaller chunks, but on the whole the chunks are a good size, larger than what you get in packaged orchid mixes. If you want, I can take pictures and post them later.
There is dust in the bag, but it isn't as dusty as, for comparison, a bag of hydroton. It's about the same amount of dust you'd get in a bag of lava rock.
Perlite is fragile, and it is easily crushed with your fingers. I actually like this, because I can break a big chunk into smaller pieces as needed, and also if I step on it, it crumbles instead of giving me that "stepped on a lego" experience.
Packaging and shipping adds to the price. I have not found a good local source of large chunky perlite, and pumice is not easy to obtain in Wisconsin either.
Other sources are bonsai online stores--I've gotten really nice potting media from a store based in Texas, I'll have to look up the name.