Who is using seramis? I'm just curious to hear about your experiences, either with seramis alone, or a mix.
It seems to me that there is a lot of talk online about seramis but not a lot of people using it, I wish I could hear more experiences. People either love it or hate it. I know I wouldn't pay to have it imported, for example, but I got mine very cheaply so I am using it.
My experience: I put a healthy phal in seramis/leca. The roots promptly rotted.
I have a BRSDM Golden Gamine 'White Knight' in a mix of seramis and leca since late August. It was rootless when I potted it, with one new growth beginning. It has grown at least one root since it was potted, but I'm not sure if it has any others, because they are below the media.
ONC Heaven Scent 'Sweet Baby' is in a mix of seramis and Monto Clay, since late July. It had a few live roots and many new growths when I potted it. took about a month to begin growing roots, but it has been gaining momentum ever since.
I have a NOID phal that was originally potted in Growstones only, but they seemed to be a little too drying for the roots. For a few months I Was watering every few days and the roots were a little stressed. Plus is dropped the two lowest leaves. So I added a sprinkle of seramis and some top-dressing of glass marbles and it's staying moist longer now.
One NOID phal, I pottted in leca-only. The roots desiccated very quickly, I've only had it about 3 weeks and it started out with a large, healthy root population, not those are mostly dead

Today I added a sprinke of seramis and some top-dressing, which I hope will fix it. It has a healthy spike with blooms, and new buds growing, and a new leaf growing.
Last I have an oncostele Midnight Miracles 'Masai 'Red" in a mix of seramis and lava rock. I used seramis because this plant is a heavy drinker, and lava rock for more aeration, but the seramis is making me nervous. It's just so small and wet, I worry that it could smother the roots. I have root anxiety! Seramis alone does not leave many voids, if any; it's so small and it compacts together if allowed.
I also have a backbulb in pure seramis.