Root rot that's why you don't over pot. For me phals are prone to root rot might be the cold winters here. I had a phal with crazy long roots. I potted it in an 8 inch pot thinking it would be happy since it fit and had room to grown. The pot was Clay I useda bark Moss mix. Well now that phal a year later lost all its long healthy roots.
I should have mounted the plant it would have done better.
When you have extra space in the pot it stays wet longer keeping the whole root area wet. When it's a big pot I had a hard time telling just how wet the middle was staying. Every plant I have rotted has been due to pots that are too big or a plant that was in sphagnum Moss too long.
I will never over pot again. I hurts too many in big pots. There is a link to root rot and big pots.
Last edited by snowflake311; 04-26-2016 at 12:08 PM..