Oh, the many uses of Wacky Noodles! I had been mulling about what (cheap) thing to use as a fairly waterproof core for my orchid pots to avoid root rot in the middle. So, I was thinking: Rubber tubing, cut to size? Plastic cups? Anything to deflect root growth to the outer area of the pot. Well, today, I was at Jewel Food Store and saw a bin of Wacky Noodles on clearance – about $1.50, each. I did a double take - perfect! Waterproof and easily cut to size. Checking out, the cashier says “Oh, know what those are great for? Boot shapers! Just cut ‘em down and stuff in your boots!” I laughed and told her my off-label use. So here are pics of the Wacky Noodle (with the to-be-potted Den behind it), the Wacky Noodle in the pot, and the newly potted Den – safe from root rot! (Hopefully.) I LOVE re-purposing and cheapo solutions!