Phal Potting Medium
I think my head is about to burst from all the orchid information I've tried to absorb over the past few days. It's truly been like trying to drink from a fire hose. Now to the question. I purchased 2 phals at the Philly Flower Show this past Thursday. One I have had good luck getting to rebloom in the past, and the other is a new one to me (like most all orchids). I will need to replant them because it looks like they are currently potted in moss. What medium would be the best? I know, I know, post pictures. I will when I have enough posts. Thanks...
BTW. The one I had the success with died. Not from mismanagement, rather I had to live at my partner's house for 3 months because of complications from surgery. So, I wasn't home to water and feed it.