Most paphs, and especially the multiflorals are better suited to small pots like the one your plant is already in. In my experience, they bloom best when they are slightly root bound.
As already stated, if you're growing in an organic mix (bark & sphag being the most common), yearly repotting is probably best since they tend to have issues with rot once the mix breaks down too much.
If you're going to repot, late winter to early summer are the best times. Mid to late summer (now) would be okay, particularly if the plant is actively growing. Avoid fall and winter unless the plant is in dire circumstances.
When you repot, find a pot that is just slightly larger than what the plant is currently in. My recipe for success is as follows. I soak the roots, media and pot in a solution of seaweed extract and superthrive for at least a couple of hours. Then I carefully remove the plant from the pot and pick off as much of the old media as possible. I pot up the plant, water with a little more seaweed & superthive mix.
As an additional note, which may or may not be relevant to you. I almost always repot paphs & phrags when I get them, unless they're in bud/bloom. For one thing, it gets the plant into my own mix, which I'm most familiar with in terms of how to water & feed. Second, it gives me a good opportunity to inspect the roots. Third, it helps to eliminate any pests (snails, roaches, millipedes, oxalis, etc) that might be hiding in the mix.
In summary, if you're going to repot it this year, this is the very latest you'd want to do it. The decision should be based on how deteriorated the current mix is. I don't know what size pot the plant is in right now, but if the planned 4 inch pot is slightly bigger at most, then you'll be fine. When you repot, make sure to soak the pot, plant and mix in water for a few hours before hand. If you've got superthrive/seaweed extract use it.
Last edited by MrHappyRotter; 08-30-2013 at 09:21 PM..
Reason: added a bit more info