Unique Pot For My Special Phalaenopsis
I have owned this Phal for many years. It has suffered through my lack understanding of its cultural requirements. But it has persevered where other orchids gave up, this one stayed green. And it has bloomed every year for the past six years. Two years ago it produced a terminal spike. I did not know what this was so I searched for the answer. I learned that this Phal was so stressed that if I did not pay attention, it was giving me one last hoorah and then terminate itself.
Fortunately I did pay attention, last year in January 2012, it produced a flower spike and the terminal spike branched out and also flowered. It did not produce any more leaves but lots of roots last summer.
This year, it bloomed on the same spikes. I suppose I should have cut the spikes so that it could focus this year on growing leaves. Again, I neglected to do that little favor. I thought this was it.
At the end of April, I noticed a little red growth on its side. Keiki! By the end of May, another keiki grew on the other side and strong fat roots.