Hi there

I'm a brand new member of the forum although I've been reading quite a lot here regarding my 3 Phalaenopsis. I've found many answers here but I'm not sure what to do now -
I've just brought home a blooming Phal from the store and its flowers are already falling off.
Is it normal for a plant to loose its blossoms only in a couple of days after bringing it home? It's never happened to me before.
The phal that I chose to buy has a tiny leaf on the spike, less than an inch long and no sign of other growth, just a leaf. I assumed it's a keiki and was curious to know whether it will continue to develop at home. One question here is
Is it safe to repot the Phal now, with a (maybe) keiki on board? The medium doesn't look very fresh.
Another thing is, do I need to cut the spike below the node that produced the first flowers and leave only the part with the keiki or maybe leave the spike as is?
Thank you for reading this

and have a good day!
