Originally Posted by james mickelso
I say don't water them until repotted because they reside in Singapore and they look to be potted in sphagnum moss which retains a lot of water and down inside the moss stays wet for a long time. And the black rot is indicative of wet conditions. These don't need water. Catts start to get wrinkled pbulbs when the new growth starts to take water and nutrients from the older pbulbs before they get new roots growing. I have a few cats that stay somewhat plump but most start to shrink once the new growth gets half mature. That's what the older pbulbs are for. Just the look of these tells me they don't need watering but need to dry out. Singapore is very humid and wet at certain times of the year.
The observation about old bulbs and new growths - does it apply to dendrobium phalaenopsis too?
I have 4 pots of den. phal. that get splashed with full sun from 1-4pm (dappled light in the morning cos they are under the foliage of a larger plant).
The older canes shriveled noticeably but the keikis are all green and full. Could direct sun cause the shrivelling?