Tips on repotting a Phal?
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Old 03-02-2013, 05:39 PM
supersheep supersheep is offline

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Tips on repotting a Phal?
Question Tips on repotting a Phal?

So, I've got an orchid I bought last week (I've become such an addict!) and I plan on repotting it tomorrow, as it came in dodgy looking moss. I've also got another phal I plan to repot too, which I bought about a month ago and the roots are looking a bit moudly in the bottom.

So, I've read on here about how to repot, but the last few times I've tried, I've had problems after with mould on the stem and roots. I do wonder if the orchid compost I got then was a bit dodgy...

So, I'm wanting to make sure I've got it right this time! I've got some brand new specialist orchid pots - a slightly larger one for one orchid as it's got lots of aerial roots. And some orchid compost, which got very good reviews from the internet. The compost is a bark and coconut fibre chips medium, which I think is ok...

So, first question, should I soak the compost first, maybe overnight? The compost bag says you can use it straight from the bag, but I'm not sure.

Second, I know to wash away the old compost and remove the dodgy looking roots with a sterlised knife/scissors, but should I soak them in anything after I've done that? I seem to always have problems with mould (and I am trying very, very hard to not overwater my orchids!). I can't really get hold of much in the way of fungicides, or that Physan 20, but I have cinnamon powder and 6% hydrogen peroxide. I also have some freeze dried kelp powder, which I've heard is good for orchids...

Thirdly, how high do you put the compost up the plant - or should I say, how deep do you bury the stem. One has lots of aerial roots, which I think I'm ok with putting in the pot. The other has lots of short roots coming out just below the flower spike (it's still got 2 lovely flowers on, but it's the one with the mouldy roots!) Then there's about 1/2 inch gap before you come to the base of the first leaf (it's lost 2 leaves recently, they were small and yellow and I think it was due to age?) So would I be ok to bury these roots and the bottom of the flower spike? So the compost reaches the bottom of the lowest leaf. Would this make it too susceptible to crown rot or anything?

Ok, final question, should I soak the orchids in water before repotting too? And if so, for how long? And before or after I use anything to help with the mould problems?

Oh and is there any other tips on repotting? As I said, I've read through these boards and already learnt so much, but my bad experiences with repotting before have made me paranoid!

Thanks for the help!
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Old 03-02-2013, 06:20 PM
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Tips on repotting a Phal? Male

Hi welcome and good on you for becoming an addict. I have many Phals and am proud to say that I have become a little bit of a pro when it comes to them. OK my repotting tips are examine the Phal once it is knocked out of the pot. Look for dried and mushy roots and trim these off with sterilised equipment. Then dust the cuts with a fungicide or ground cinnamon. Then Place the Phal in a pot which allows for 1 - 2 years growth that means not too big of a pot at Phals like to be slightly root pound. Then fill the pot and around the plant with orchid mix. I usually water a day or two after repotting just to let some of those cuts to heal up. It's fine to have some aerial roots in the pot and make sure you don't bury the crown in bark allow that area to be quite free. Hope this helps
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Old 03-02-2013, 06:59 PM
tucker85 tucker85 is offline
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I like to use the smallest pot that the roots will fit in comfortably. I rinse the mix a couple of times and then let it soak for 30 minutes or so. I put a little mix in the bottom of the pot and then hold the phal in the pot with one hand and fill mix in around the sides. I like to use a bamboo skewer or the blunt end of a orchid stake to push the mix down in around the roots.

You should remove roots that you're sure are dead but leave them if you're not sure. If you can't get all the aerial roots into the mix, that's OK, it won't hurt. Don't bury any leaves. Leaves that are below the mix will just rot and cause problems. I like seaweed extract but I don't know about the dried kind. I think that might be of limited use to you. If you can find liquid seaweed it's better for encouraging root growth. There are some videos on You Tube that show how to repot. Good luck.
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Old 03-02-2013, 07:49 PM
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Tips on repotting a Phal? Male

Mold. The reason you have mold is low temperatures and moisture. Fungus and molds love low temps and moisture. Without them they can't live. In my opinion people water way too much especially in winter when it is cool. So now you are going to repot. Ok here's what you might do. The phal with the arial roots you need to have dry. Don't water it for a few days before you repot. The reason? Wet roots are full of water and will break easily. Dry roots are more pliable. Arial roots and roots that grow under the media are one and the same. The arial roots are not kept wet (they aren't under the media where they can absorb more water for a longer period of time) and have a harder covering because of this. To fit the arial roots into the correct size pot will be difficult so exercize care when you attempt to fit them in the pot. You can try and gather them up in your hand and slowly bunch them up until they can be put in the pot. An extra pair of hands is nice to have around (but no profanety). Don't try and squeeze them all at once. Do it slowly. Make the bend along the entire length of the root and not at just one point. And slow is how you do it. Take you time. Once all or most of the roots are in the pot, slowly fill the pot with mix. No need to pre-wet the mix. It fills the voids much more easily if dry. Put in a little and tap the pot to settle it. Fill a little more and tap the pot. There is no need to tamp or press the mix into the pot which will in all likelyhood just break the roots anyway. Once the plant is potted to your approval, then water it. After you give it a good soaking, leave it somewhere warm and dry with good light. That is the key to keeping the mold off it. Warm....dry....and well lit. Don't worry about seaweed extracts or anything else for now. You are finished. In a few days water it again. Don't try and keep it wet unless you like mold and fungus. The media will over time will hold more moisture and the roots will become acclimated to that environment. In a few weeks start to feed it lightly. Seaweed if you want.
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Old 03-02-2013, 08:40 PM
supersheep supersheep is offline

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Tips on repotting a Phal?

Oh and is there anything I can do to help with the mould when I repot? I'll cut away the bad roots, but I'm worried it may still set in again...
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Old 03-02-2013, 09:49 PM
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Tips on repotting a Phal? Male

Keep the area the phal is in warm and if possible get a small fan to keep the air circulating. Cool and moist are where mold sets in. You don't need to drown the plant. Water and then allow to dry before watering it again.
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Old 03-03-2013, 12:01 PM
supersheep supersheep is offline

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Tips on repotting a Phal?

Thanks for the help guys. I've followed the tips and repotted the two orchids - hopefully I'll have more luck with these!

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Old 03-03-2013, 12:38 PM
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Tips on repotting a Phal? Male

Just my opinion (and experience), don't water them a lot. Let them heal and acclimate. My phals stand dryness easily. They are slow growers and can stand less water for awhile. When you water, water well and then let them dry completely. It has been around 35f at night with 60's during the day around here. I water once a week to 10 days and everything is doing fine. Adjust your watering to keep things on the somewhat dry side for awhile. Should heal and then start growing when it warms up. Remember that inside your house may seem warm to you and maybe a little on the dry side. But there is little air movement so down inside the media it stays wet. That means mold and fungus. Careful watering is a must.
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Old 03-04-2013, 05:54 PM
supersheep supersheep is offline

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Tips on repotting a Phal?

So far so good on the repotting! One has opened up 2 new buds overnight, which I'm taking as a good sign.

And I am going to be even more careful with watering now. Though we're past the worst of winter, so that should help too.

Thanks for all the help.
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compost, mould, orchid, repotting, roots, phal, tips

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