Does this Calanthe need repotting? I'm unsure if that is a new pbulb growing or if it's a flower spike. I just got into orchids in July and a friend gave me 5 different kinds. I'm unsure what to expect from all of them. Thank you for the feedback!
Update: That was a flower spike, this is the result
April 2013: Spikes has faded, new bulbs have emerged, forgot to re-pot, we'll see what happens...
I'm not an expert but I would repot as that new growth needs more space if it is to become as 'chubby' as the other one. I don't know about these but maybe you could repot into the same pot by 'squashing' together the 2 older p/bulbs, which are on their last legs, to the edge of the pot and leaving enough room for the new growth to mature? that's what I would do... hoping some Calanthe experts chime in here?