What is it potted in now? You can carefully take it out of the pot and put it, media and all, into a slatted basket and water it as needed. When planted like this you can fertilize by misting the roots with a solution of fertilizer in water at half strength. Or even cut that down so as not to burn the roots. You can also keep it in a course bark based mix as long as there is adequate airflow. Where you are there is little seasonal change so it should be growing leaves and roots most of the time.
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its in gravel now. there are no new roots at present and i dont have a basket!
i was thinking of putting it in a squat pot and having a tiny bit of gravel in the bottom like the grower had hers!
That would work well. But I would wait until new roots started to grow. If you pot it before then it might set it back. If done carefully you might get it to go. If it isn't necessary I would wait.