Oh, I fell off the wagon, bought a noid miltoniopsis at Safeway, I swore I wasn't going to do that any more...
It is so overgrown in a tall 4" pot. It has 5 spikes, I don't know how many plants are in there. It is packed so tightly I think it needs to be pulled apart but I know I'll end up with plants with a few little damaged roots trying to support too much foliage. I know it will shorten the life of the flowers if I repot but was thinking about putting it into a 6" pot with just enough root disturbance to give it a little start and then maybe loosen it up when the flowers are all gone (3 half- developed spikes, 2 in bloom) . Any other suggestions besides stop buying those supermarket noids?
Sorry I don't have any pictures, you guys all know what it looks like anyhow. My Zygo benefitted from your good advice last year, its smiling and waving its flowers at you.