Paphiopedilum root care after repot/division
I'm new to the forum; hope I'm posting this under the right discussion.
I recently divided and repotted a warm-growing paphiopedilum. The divisions had very few roots so I put the pots into clear bags to raise humidity while the plants were recovering. That worked well - both divisions put out lots of new roots. The only problem is that these roots aren't growing down into the medium but near the surface, presumably because the humidity is so high. I tried removing the pots out of the bags, but the root tips died back because they dried out (even though I put the pots on trays with pebbles to raise humidity). So I had to put the pots back into plastic bags for now. But how can I get the roots to grow into the medium? Any suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks.
P.S. The plants are potted in a mix of bark, coconut husk, and sphagnum, top-dressed with more sphagnum to stimulate roots.