We are all beginners (okay, some of us are beginners) but I think most members here have seen at least one or two
very unhappy Phals, so I don't think your pictures will make anyone think any less of you. But I understand the feeling, especially when one see some of the members' wonderful and healthy orchids. It makes you feel just a tiny bit unworthy and equipped with a black thumb rather than a green one.
Tomorrow I'll upload some pictures of my dying Phal in the beginners section. Check it out and you'll see a Phal in a very sad state.
I read somewhere here that the morning sun is good for the orchids while the afternoon sun is not, so an east facing window should be ideal. I've also read about other members taking their orchids into the bathroom while showering with good results. Maybe you should let your recovering Phal wait with the bathroom trips until it looks/feels healthier. Maybe
misting it or putting it on a tray with wet pebbles/leca pellets can help raise the humidity levels?
Also, some Phals are more finicky than others and don't like to be moved around too much, but if any of yours are, only time can tell. I move mine a lot too since I also have them in an east facing window and don't want them to get burned. So far they seem to do more or less fine, even the more finicky ones.
I really wish some more people could help out with the advices since I'm so new at this myself. So, come on you guys!
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