I think once you master this type of moss, its wonderful stuff. Thing is about sphagnum moss is you have to repot often, even before the year has ended.
I think its great growing media for younger plants that do need to be repotted more often as they are growing. I don't use much moss anymore but when I did I used it with sponge rok (very large grade of perlite) works really well. 50% moss & 50% bark work really together.
I've changed my sphag in for coconut chunks and coir (good grade is very important) Again using the large coarse perlite. It keeps everything airy and moist, best part is not having to repot as often as I did with the moss.
Repotting is much easier and takes less time. This coconut stuff really rocks!
Oh btw .... my labiata is growing in coconut and loves it.