I have a Millennium Magic ' orchid. After it bloomed, the stem died, but my dad was an idiot, tossed the pot away, and stuck it to a tree. I got a pot and replanted it in Orchida bark. Is there anything else I should do? honestly, I'm pretty worried. I also don't know how often to water it, but there's been no bloom so far.
I live in Florida, and the trees are meant to have orchids on them. But is it ok to pant on the tree? I've never seen these types of plants like that. Don't they need very specific watering habits?
The "watering" that Mother Nature provides may be what the plant wants - Warm, wet summeres (the rapid growth time) and cooler, drier winters (dormancy) If not potted, getting some rain in winter may be OK - also, complex hybrids such as this tend to have fairly short dormancies. It likely is starting to sprout now, so it just might be making iself at home in that tree. Next fall when it goes dormant, you may or may not decide that you want to pot it up (the time for potting is during dormancy) for for now, it may do just fine.