I suspect that this is not a major issue for most of you but i really like big chunky perlite and it is typically expensive as i have only seen it in small bags at specialty bonsai shops (those two words (specialty/ bonsai)add more to the cost of an item than almost any other, perhaps except orchid and exotic )
and the fine ground stuff that is great for soil additive is generally useless to the orchid grower ( sorry terrestrial fans)
if you don't know, perlite is graded by size, 1-4, i suppose it might come in bigger sizes but i have never seen that...
anywho, i found this on Amazon, free shipping and it is great! i will post a pic of the size relative to a quarter ( although that wont help international folks...)but it is about the size of a nickel
i recommend it for anyone who makes their own potting mix for their orchids
Stuff by
J Solo, on Flickr