Very cool Masdie -
Masdevallia glandulosa
I am so glad you are asking about this species .. in attempting to look for it, I found that this masdie is in
direct lineage with most of the masdies I have - Masd. Celtic Frost(Angel Frost x glanduosa) -
Orchid Web: Masd. Celtic Frost
and Masd. Maui Jewel(tonduzii 'Makawao' x glandulosa 'Chris') -
I hope, one day, to acquire Masd. Masd. Snow Cone
(Masd. rex 'Maui Titan' CHM/AOS x Masd. glandulosa 'Chris') -
Orchid Web: Masd. Snow Cone
Here are a list of Pleurothallid Growers you might want to email or call .. many times they have orchids but not enough to advertise online ..