I've come upon a number of Pleurothallids (number is 8), and beacuse they were a bargain, i took them.
As I expected, some of the plants are in subideal conditions. A Dracula lost all the leaves and most of the roots, but the base of the plant and the leave bases are still firm, so I hope it'll bounce back in time.
Scaphosepalums and the pleurothallis and the other Dracula (it's benedictii, and of the five Draculas and Masdies, the only one that didn't fall apart

) are in good condition, but the Masdies are pretty bad, but except for one that lost all but one leaf, salvageable i hope.
I generally know how to go about ICU orchids, but not with Pleurothallids (all I got are doing OK, no need to ICU).
Any tips on how to not kill them

Currently I'm drying them, as the main problem was, thay were shipped moist (subideal, i know, but the other possibility was that they dry out (which in retrospect would have been a better Idea. A lesson learnt. I still got some awesome plants dirt cheap, though).
First thing, has anyone desinfected the plants by dipping them in dillute vinegar for a minute or two - before you say it's stupid- vinegar is a pretty good disinfectant and is especially effective against mould - that's why I'm thinking about it.
Secondly will it help if I overnight them in the fridge? They are next to an open window, with ouside temps being 5-10°C in the night and up to 20°C.
They'll be potted in (or the rootles beggars, lain on) sphagnum in clay pots (i like clay pots, they cool stuff down). (I'm waiting to dry them off overnight, and inspect the dry material)
Sounds OK?