What's the Masdie secret??
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Old 01-06-2014, 04:52 PM
silken silken is offline
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I use mostly rain water on mine.
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Old 01-06-2014, 10:16 PM
Polarizeme Polarizeme is offline
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What's the Masdie secret?? Female

Many of the hybrids are more heat tolerant. You should be able to find information on the web concerning Masdevallia in the intermediate temperature range. Humidity and air movement are your friends. An evaporative cooler is especially good for hotter climates. You can set them directly in front of one.

Look for intermediate temp range Masd. my
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Old 01-14-2014, 11:05 AM
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I have to agree with Euplasia. From your first post I take it that you are over-watering. Also, since you live the tropics I too would mount it on the outsdie of an evaporative clay pot. If its mounted with roots exposed you can water it all you want. Then the danger is not letting it dry out. Good air movement is very necessary.
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Who knows upon what soil they fed
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Old 01-14-2014, 11:33 AM
dougbraz dougbraz is offline

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Thanks Euplusia for the lengthy reply.
I think you are correct about the air movement. About overwatering, I am not so sure as everyone here tells me to keep the sphagnum moss constantly moist (not siaking wet, I agree) so as to keep the surroundings relatively humid yet cool.
I tried a previous one on the outside of a porous clay vase and had the same "leaf jumping" experience, so I can only guess it os either heat and/or air circulation. Heat, at night in summer is doesn't drop down too much below 20 C, so you are forced to buy the "warmer" loving masdies. Maybe I will invest in a PC fan and leave it on sporadically.
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Old 01-28-2014, 07:10 PM
Luv2lopeqhs Luv2lopeqhs is offline
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What's the Masdie secret??

While I am not an expert by any means...I have had orchids for years including several "rescue" orchids given to me over the years by friends...since I seem to have a green thumb where they are concerned
I purchased my first Masdevallia...Masde Dean Haas 'Embers' from Graham @ Lehua Orchids in Hawaii....I figured if it was blooming and growing there I'd have a better chance of succes since our climates are similar (I live in Florida) so my first suggestion is to locate a grower with a similar growing environment to the one you will be providing....ask the grower to make a suggestion as to which ones would be the best to start out with. Graham also has a great article on his webpage about growing Masdevallia's!! This Dean Hass was in bud when it arrived from Hawaii....and has been continuing to throw up spikes everywhere (so it's been in bloom for months!!) and has tons of new growth so it seems pretty happy
My Masdevallia is growing indoors on a windowsill next to several Phals...as there light requirements are very similar.
I do use R/O water, as my well water here is very hard, and follow the weekly weekly fertilizer routine.
Mine isn't planted in Moss....it is planted in Orchiata Bark...this is a slightly drier medium and allows for good drainage. I water when it begins to dry out....sometimes when the heat/AC has been on this can be a daily thing...sometimes it can be only a couple of times a week. I use feel to judge how damp/dry the medium is. The only special thing I do for it is the R/O water and I also mix up my fert using R/O water as well. I open my windows when temps allow...for additional air circulation. believe most of the information I have read suggests that hybrids are more forgiving and temp tolerant than species, and the cool pots are great....I have some here but haven't been able to re-pot mine in one since its been continuing to bloom/spike
Hope this helps!
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Last edited by Luv2lopeqhs; 01-29-2014 at 06:54 AM..
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Old 01-28-2014, 11:51 PM
Laserbeak Laserbeak is offline
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What's the Masdie secret?? Male

Two words: coolness & humidity
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Old 01-29-2014, 02:44 AM
Laserbeak Laserbeak is offline
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What's the Masdie secret?? Male

It is virtually impossible to overwater a Masdevallia.
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Old 01-29-2014, 02:48 AM
jeremyinsf jeremyinsf is offline
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What's the Masdie secret?? Male

Originally Posted by Laserbeak View Post
It is virtually impossible to overwater a Masdevallia.
I disagree. Overly soggy media can lead to rotted roots. They like to be moist, but they don't grow like... say... Phrags or something.
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Old 01-29-2014, 07:38 AM
dougbraz dougbraz is offline

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Originally Posted by Luv2lopeqhs View Post
While I am not an expert by any means...I have had orchids for years including several "rescue" orchids given to me over the years by friends...since I seem to have a green thumb where they are concerned
I purchased my first Masdevallia...Masde Dean Haas 'Embers' from Graham @ Lehua Orchids in Hawaii....I figured if it was blooming and growing there I'd have a better chance of succes since our climates are similar (I live in Florida) so my first suggestion is to locate a grower with a similar growing environment to the one you will be providing....ask the grower to make a suggestion as to which ones would be the best to start out with. Graham also has a great article on his webpage about growing Masdevallia's!! This Dean Hass was in bud when it arrived from Hawaii....and has been continuing to throw up spikes everywhere (so it's been in bloom for months!!) and has tons of new growth so it seems pretty happy
My Masdevallia is growing indoors on a windowsill next to several Phals...as there light requirements are very similar.
I do use R/O water, as my well water here is very hard, and follow the weekly weekly fertilizer routine.
Mine isn't planted in Moss....it is planted in Orchiata Bark...this is a slightly drier medium and allows for good drainage. I water when it begins to dry out....sometimes when the heat/AC has been on this can be a daily thing...sometimes it can be only a couple of times a week. I use feel to judge how damp/dry the medium is. The only special thing I do for it is the R/O water and I also mix up my fert using R/O water as well. I open my windows when temps allow...for additional air circulation. believe most of the information I have read suggests that hybrids are more forgiving and temp tolerant than species, and the cool pots are great....I have some here but haven't been able to re-pot mine in one since its been continuing to bloom/spike
Hope this helps!
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aaaargh! I never even had RO water when I had a 80gal seawater reef aquarium, so you can imagine the chaqnces of my purchasing RO water for a teeny weeny masdie!!

Thanks anyway for your lengthy explanation - will also check out Graham's site.

---------- Post added at 10:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:37 AM ----------

Originally Posted by Laserbeak View Post
It is virtually impossible to overwater a Masdevallia.
I agree in theory, but in practice...
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Old 01-29-2014, 07:59 AM
Luv2lopeqhs Luv2lopeqhs is offline
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What's the Masdie secret??

You can purchase R/O water from any Aquarium Supply Store, if they sell Salt Water Fish/Aquariums they will have an R/O Unit...just bring your own jugs...and they also sell Small R/O units that attach to your faucet...online and in aquarium supply stores locally...they aren't that expensive and are pretty easy to use/maintain....since you don't need ton of water for one masdevallia.
Also you could set up a rainwater catch system and use rainwater you collect
Just a couple of options for ya!
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